Chapter 3

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Kiba found it quite strange how Akamaru had reacted when encountering Chiyoko, and as soon as she was out of sight, the large, white dog instantly calmed down. "Kiba!" He turned around and saw Hinata and Shino running towards him.

The sky was already dark, the result of his dawdling. "We might've found something!" Hinata exclaimed, and just as they started to head in that direction, they heard a scream. Kiba and Hinata's eyes widened as the trio took a sharp turn towards the source of the sound.

Another scream echoed, and they increased their speed until they reached the destination. A being, not bigger than a human, with extremely large feathered wings spouting from its back was trying to fly away while carrying a person. It seemed to be wearing a skin-tight, shiny, black jumpsuit with long sleeves that covered the hands, long pant legs that wrapped around the bare feet, and also around the entire face, making it impossible to see who – or what – it was.

A woman was struggling against its grip, and the Arc-Angel growled at the sight of the un-wanted arrivals. It dug its fingers into a part near the woman's neck, and she immidiatly fell limb in the monster's arms. Kiba's eyes widened and Akamaru started to growl – and wouldn't stop.

Kiba also noticed that it had no scent; so he started to wonder what it really was. Everything had a scent. "Hinata! Take the right! Kiba! Take the left!" Shino instructed, and they sprang into action. Hinata couldn't get close enough to issue her family's hidden jutsu, and it seemed to be fleeing farther away from Shino's bugs.

Finally it was blasted to the ground, and a screech echoed throughout the area, and it landed on the ground with a painful thud. It immediatly got up, but Hinata had engaged it in combat, but it simply blocked the girl. She was shoved away, though nothing to do too much damage. Kiba followed up with a combo attack like he usually did, sending the thing flying into the nearest building. The wall dented, but the woman was still in its shaking grasp. Blood seeped through its right arm, something that would definitely leave an open wound.

It shot up in alarm and took off at an even greater speed, panic clear in its posture. It dissapeared into the night sky, and Kiba cursed. "We almost had it....!" He mumbled, clenching his fists. Now that woman was surely a goner; they'd failed to save someone in need.

** ** ** **

The next day, they hatched a plan, and Kiba had his suspicions. He just hoped it wasn't true. While he was walking in town, he noticed the short lavender haired girl walking in the distance. Her foot snagged on the ground and she tumbled forward. Rushing to catch her, she bumped into him. She looked up in alarm, but a smile soon formed on her face.

"Oh, Chiyoko, I was wondering, if you... wanted to hang out?" He questioned, and she tilted her head to the side slightly, a small blush tinting her cheeks. He grinned and she said that there was a hill not far from there overviewing a crystaline lake and forest. He agreed, guilt already riddling his heart.

He did like the girl; he just had to complete his mission over that. If he really was right, he didn't know what he'd do. Once they reached the designated location, the two sat down against a tree, admiring the view. It was silent for a while, and finally he started to speak.

"Chiyoko?" A lump formed in his throat, and the mysterious girl turned to face him. Her green eyes bored into his, and he found himself unable to say the words. He felt as if he was lost within her eyes, and he wanted to let her know of how he felt.

In a flash, he cupped her face, smashing his lips onto hers. Her eyes widened, shock making her body go rigid. Her mind couldn't wrap around what was happening, yet her heart burst from it. Hesitantly and almost shyly, she returned the kiss, her hands pressed against his shoulders.

A few moments passed, and the two pulled away, faces flushed. With sad eyes, his hand gripped her arm tightly and she winced, a pained gasp filling the air. Her eyes widened and she tried to pull her arm away, but his grip only tightened.

"Chiyoko....." She flinched and looked away, tears coming to her eyes.

"You're the Arc-Angel.... aren't you?"

A/N: I dedicate this chapter to @thelightteam for being able to guess who the Arc-Angel is. I want to thank you guys for reading, since this story will most likely be finished in about another two chapters. It's probably going to be as short as 'Wild Cat' for those of you who have read it. This isn't my best works, and I'm slighlty unsatisfied with how it's turning out. I don't know why, but for me, writing a long story like most of my others for Kiba just doesn't seem possible. Well, thanks again!

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