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     Floyd Lawton looked down at the arsenal that lay before him not only in awe of the sheer number of different firearms, but also the guards sheer stupidity for trusting him uncuffed with them. He quickly reached for one of the handguns and by the weight could instantly tell it was loaded. For a split second he had contemplated shooting all the guards and the woman that was watching him, but dismissed it as escaping would still prove to be too difficult. All it seemed to take was him looking at the target's head for a bullet hole to appear there. That was how in sync his body and mind were. But, that was to be expected of the world's greatest marksman, Deadshot.

     "So did I pass the test? If not I can ricochet a bullet off the barrel of a gun of your choosing and a target of your choosing."

     "That's it."

     The woman in the suit spoke confirming what Lawton had thought. She was the one responsible for this little test. The guards began to put the cuffs back on Lawton, but before they could haul him away he spoke directly to the woman.

     "I won't ask to be instantly released from this little dream house, but I do have a few demands that have to met before I take on whatever assignment you have for me. First, I want to be able to see my daughter. Second, I want you to guarantee me that when she graduates from high school you'll get her into the school of her choosing. Third, I want you to place two million dollars in a bank account that she'll gain access to once she turns eighteen. If you can't meet those demands then you can find someone else."

     "You have no idea what's going on outside these walls do you Deadshot? Gotham is in ruins and if I recall correctly your daughter lives there with her mother."

    Fear and panic took over Lawton as he began to make his way to the table of firearms intent on escaping no matter what. The guards quickly subdued him as the woman made her way closer to them. Lawton struggled to get free as he stared up at her.

     "I'm not going to promise you any of the things you requested, but I can guarantee you two things. One, I'll get you face to face with what destroyed Gotham. Two-"

     "I'll do it."

*     *     *     *     *     *

     Colonel Rick Flag made had made his way down to the underground portion of Belle Reve. He now stood outside of a dark and dank cell of which he could barely make out the interior of. He slowly made his way to the cell door and peered inside as his eyes began to adjust. A hulking mass was inside seemingly doing push ups.

     "Waylon Jones."

     Flag's voice apparently caught Waylon's attention as his work out stopped and he slowly rose to his feet. Flag was now able to make out Waylon's appearance as he approached the opening. He was a hulking man covered in brownish gray reptilian skin. He was truly more intimidating in person than Flag was led to believe, but still he stood firm.

     "Been awhile since heard that name. I prefer Killer Croc."

     "Well 'Killer Croc' I'm here on orders from-"

     "Not interested."

     With that Killer Croc turned and was seemingly about to return to his work out. Flag was slightly annoyed by his attitude, but let it go as the situation was too dire not to. He proceeded to clear his throat causing Killer Croc to stop once again.

     "I don't know if yer dumb or just ain't scared of me, but-"

     "Trust me if you saw what was going on outside you'd know you are far from the scariest thing out there. So, I'm going to tell you why I'm here and you're going to listen."

Suicide Squad: DoomsdayWhere stories live. Discover now