Sucker For Pain

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     As Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and Katana made their way somewhat aimlessly through the devastated city until something caught their collective attention. A few blocks away a large fireball sped into the sky and exploded.

     "Hey! E.D.'s alive! Or was..."

     "I don't think he'd like that nickname. Katana, we're going to need get Harley in close the target. I'm open to any suggestions."

     "Known from me Deady?"

     "We're leaving the creative killing to you."

     A mischievous smile spread across Harley Quinn's face. Katana seemed to be contemplating just what they could do, but lacking any information on it other than that it could shoot lasers made it difficult to come up with anything. The trio continued on in relative silence until the approached a building with a decent sized hole in its side. Curiosity got the best of the group as the peered in and saw Killer Croc digging himself himself out of some rubble. His clothes were torn to shreds and every exposed part of his body seemed to have a bruise of some sort on it. Most noticeable was his face. A gash went down his forehead that had blood trickling out of it that would have gotten in his eye if it was not already swollen shut. His nose was also completely shattered and oozing blood down into his mouth which now seemed to be missing a few teeth.

     "KC, you look.... Actually about the same."

     "What the hell happened to you?"

     The trio approached Killer Croc as they spoke to him. As a result of his injuries he was both sluggish and in a dazed state. It took him a few moments but in a wobbly manner he turned to face Harley, Deadshot, and Katana in order to respond.

     "After we got shot outta the sky it attacked us... We fought back and were winnin' until... I don't know what... Everything just changed and next thing I know I was bein' thrown through a building..."

     "So now we know it's strong enough to take out our 'heavy hitter'. This is looking more and more like a suicide run. I'm not complaining I planned on dying today anyway."

     "That was pretty dark Deady. You can't go dyin' though. You have to live so you can inflict that pain on someone else."

     "Sure thing Doll Face."

    There was a momentary silence among the group. Killer Croc spat out some of his blood before unsteadily making his way to the hole in the wall. Katana stepped in front of him blocking his exit.

     "Was it faster than you?"

     "I don't know... It may've moved a little faster than I did."

     "So it is physically powerful and durable, but it is not incredibly fast. Did it seem intelligent?"

     "Ha... Intelligent? No, this thing relies on instinct. Trust me I know."

     "I have a plan Deadshot. It is simple, but it should work."

     "I may be thinking the same thing."

     "Yup, me too guys. I stab him when he's not lookin'."

     "Yeah. That spear Harley's holding is the only thing that can put down the target permanently. We're going to need help distracting it."

     Killer Croc was still stopped in from of Katana. He cracked his neck before turning to face Deadshot and letting out a deep breath.

     "I'm kinda pissed about bein' sent to fight that thing without the one weapon that could kill it, but it needs to be killed and quick. I'm not 100 percent right now but I can get you an openin'."

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