Chapter 6

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Alyssa came over all weekend to help me work on my strut. Now its Monday morning and I'm nervous as hell. My mom was all for my game after she heard what happened  between Dylan and I. She came in.

"Kathrine, Alyssa is here." I grabbed my bag and went down stairs and we headed to the school.

(Nicks point of view)

I was with my guys talking when Ash's eyes about popped out of his head. He pointed and all of our mouths dropped and our eyes came out of our heads. Kathrin was coming in out direction, I've never met a girl to give me a boner by just looking at her, strike that I don't think a girl has ever given me one. She would have to be the first and damn she did it good.

My friends soon pushed me to her making me fall on my face at her feet. I looked up at her and she giggled.

"Now look who's falling for who now?" She said with a evil grin.

I quickly got up to look down to only get harder do to the fact I was able to see down her shirt. She had to be at least a c-cup, not to big not to small just right for my hands to.... No no stop thinking that way.

"Listen baby doll I'll never fall for you." I said as firm as I could.

She stepped forward and ran her nail down my chest making me quiver under her touch.

"Your body says otherwise." She said seductively glancing down as if she knew what was going on.

She smiled and left me there I quickly walked to my car and left before anyone saw. I hope.

(Dylan's point of view)

I was talking to Tony with Ashley hanging on my arm. That's one of the things I missed about Kathrin. She didn't hang when I need space she understood. With Ashley all she did was hang on me, and want to have sex. Don't get me wrong I like to do the deed but not every night.

Tony was in the middle of a sentence when he was cut off by Kegan.

"Dude look." He said pointing to a girl walking then I noticed the girl was Kathrin.

She cleaned up nice. The outfit she was wearing would have looked like a slut on any other girl but on her it was sexy yet beautiful.

"Who's the slut?" Ashley asked.

"Takes one to know one." Kegan said which made the rest of them laugh, make Ashley get mad.

Just because she knew she was she still didn't like the fact that people talked about it. I was paying attention I couldn't take my eyes off her. I left her for Ashley how stupid could I be. My stupidity was interrupted by anger. I watched as she walked over to Nick. I could tell that he was lusting after her. Gigolo/man whore. Maybe him and Ashley should go out. They both love to sleep.

"Dly, Dly." Ashley was saying trying to get my attention. I watched as Nick got in his car driving away. I laced my arm around Ashley's shoulder trying to prevent myself from following him.

(Kat's view)

I walked to the schools bad boy when he was pushed and fell at my feet I had to come up with something fast.

"Look who's falling for who now? I new he wasn't falling for me, but the fact that he friends pushed him.

He stood up quickly and was now looking down at me blushing probably he could she down my top.

"Listen baby doll I will never fall for you." He said with a shaky voice.

I remembered what Aly had said this weekend play with his strings, whatever that meant but I went with my gut. I stepped forward running my nail down the center of his chest making him quiver.

"Your body says otherwise." I glanced down just guessing that he had a boner not knowing, but when I looked back up he was blushing which gave me the advantage of knowing he did.

I smiled and left before he could reject it. I went to my locker. Having the feelings of knowing that eyes were on me made me feel self-centered but I also liked it.

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