Chapter 14

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(Kat's point of view)

Its been two weeks since Nick and I made the deal, he's been kind of distant lately, and I've been wanting to know why, but he hasn't been coming to school. I was standing in front of my locker when I saw him walking down the hall, I wanted to ask what his problem was, and why he hadn't returned my phone calls. I shut my locker and walked beside him.

"Where you been I've been worried?" He didn't say anything just kept walking with his hands in his pockets, and head Dow starring at the floor as he walked.

"Nick?" I finally got him to stop but still he didn't make eye contact, or look at me. I was bow getting hurt. Did I do something wrong, did I ask him to early, or was there something wrong with me? This questions filled my head with his silence.

"Nick please say something." My voice cracked in the end. I was fighting so hard to hold back the tears. How could some who says he loves me, go to not speaking to me the next day?

"Katherine, we can't see each other any more....." His words hit my harder then getting hit in the face by a dodge ball. What was he saying? "I can't be in love with a child. And truth is I don't love you, you were just a challenge for me, but I guess you fell to easy. If I wanted something easy I would have gone for Diamond."

Those were is finally words to me, his bad boy smirk had returned. He left me standing there with out looking back. I watched him. Aly came up shortly after.

"Oh don't worry about it Kat you'll find someone better." She tried joking, by I couldn't laugh over the sound of my shattering heart.

"You know I thought he'd be different." My voice was a whisper.

"Look Kat this is life not a book, you don't get a guy just to stay with him." She mostly yelled, giving my a know-it-all look.

"That's not the point." My eyes hadn't looked away from the direction he left in.

"Then tell me what is the point!" I finally looked at her, and gave a weak smile, before letting the tears flow.

"I think I'm in live with him." I was now sobbing into her shoulder. I knew it then that I would never live anybody as much as I loved Nick. Is it possible to be madly in live with someone you barely know, well I can officially tell you yes, it is possible. But there's just one little problem with my story ending. It isn't happy.

Or is it?

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