Chapter 13

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Kat's point of view*
(Prom night)

I have not spoken to my parents since I skipped school with Nick. Aaron went back to college the next morning. Aly is still not sure about Nick and I, but she said that she is trying her best to comply with it. Last weekend her and I went prom dress shopping. Hers was a two peace blue with silver beading.

Mine is a high low silver dress with silver beading

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Mine is a high low silver dress with silver beading.

We had gotten ready at her house, that way when Nick, Tony, and Ash pick us up there wouldn't be any drama with my parents, and Nick

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We had gotten ready at her house, that way when Nick, Tony, and Ash pick us up there wouldn't be any drama with my parents, and Nick. It was around eight when the guys decided to show up. Tony was wearing a blue buttoned up shirt that showed off his muscles, and a pair of kaki pants.

Aly wasn't too pleased with his attire

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Aly wasn't too pleased with his attire.

"Seriously you couldn't even rent a tux, for one night?" She whined. I looked at Nick who was wearing wearing a black tux, with a black tie.

"Wow you look beautiful

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"Wow you look beautiful." He said running his eyes up and down my body.

"Thank you, and you look very handsome." He chuckled. I looked behind him to see Ash in black slacks, with a red shirt, and a black tie.

His date for the evening was also wearing a long A-line, red dress, with a slit.Her tanned skin was perfect against the red. She cleared her throat to get Ash's attention. He looked back and smiled.

"Everyone this is Natalia. Nat this is, Kathrine, Alyssa, and Tony." He said point to each one of us. She smiled a smile that was brighter then diamonds.

"It's nice to meet you all." Her voice was like British.

We all pilled into the black hummer limo. Nick had to help me in, before he climbed in, and we all went to the school.

Getting to the school everyone was all dressed up looking prettier then anything

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Getting to the school everyone was all dressed up looking prettier then anything.


"Alright is everyone having a good time?" The DJ yelled into the mic, and everyone cheered. "That's what I like to hear. Okay, okay settle down its time to announce this prom kind and queen. Your prom king is................Dylan Scott!"

"Big shocker." Nick said sarcastically in my ear, making me laugh.

"And your prom queen is.............................................................................Kathrine Simmon!"

Everyone in the gym stood in silence and I was in shock. Even last year when I was with Dylan I didn't get prom queen, or even Homecoming queen.  Aly pushed me towards the stage, and everyone made a path for me to get through. I could see that all the cheerleaders were not happy that I won. He placed the tiara on my head, and Dylan grabbed my head leading me down for the king's, and queen's dance. The music started and we began swaying.

"You look beautiful tonight."


"Oh come on Kat don't be like that. I actually did care for you."

"Bullshit. You never paid attention to me even when we were together, it was all an act. You know what screw this." I took the tiara off my head through it on the ground and stepped on it. The gym was filled with girlie screams. "Have fun without a queen."

I left him in the middle of the dance floor, and went to Nick. "Nick can we go please?" He nodded and we headed to the door before we were stopped by Dylan.

"You came here with him? What did he get you pregnant and now he feels like this is the only way to make it up to you?"

"At least he was able to sleep with me, unlike you who tried so many times and failed badly." With my pride I left with Nick beside me. We got into the back of the limo before I spoke again.

"Nick can we got to your place, because going home is not an option for me."

"Yeah no problem.


We pulled into his drive way, went inside , and up to his room. He went to his draw and got out a large t-shirt.

"here you can wear this, to get out of that dress. The bathroom is right through there." He said pointing to the door in the corner of his room.

I looked at the door, looked back at him, and turned around.

"Can you unzip me?"

"S-sure." His hands were shaking when he finished I let the dress drop, and I slipped the shirt on over my bra and panties.

He being a gentleman went into the bathroom, and came out in a pair of basketball shorts. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me laughing on his bed.


"N-nothing." He's so cute when he stutters.

he came over and laid next to me, I sat up looking at him.

"Where's your mom?"

"Working the night shift at the dinner. Why?"

"What would you say to having sex with me?"

"I would say 'not right now, because I don't want you to end up like the other girls I've slept with.' It's not that I don't find you sexually attractive, because I do, it's more along the lines of I don't want us to be moving too fast, that we cant slow down." I nodded understanding, and a little hurt that he wouldn't sleep with me. He must of noticed the hurt look on my face.

"Look I'll make you a deal, you spend the night tonight, and Ill have sex with you one day over spring break, but you will have to ask me again. But if you don't then we wont till graduation. Deal?"


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