4. Having Fun, Or Are We? Part 1

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Liam's POV

I woke up from the couch, cuddled against Niall who was snoring lightly. Lifting my head a little, I noticed Zayn in the middle of Harry and Louis. After aww'ing quietly, I tried to get up without waking up our little Leprechaun. 

"Vas happenin', Liam? Isn't it quite early to get up?" Zayn whispered groggily. He released Louis' shorts which he had fisted to his hand in his sleep. 

"It's early, but I'm not sleepy anymore. You can go back to sleep if you like, Zee." I smiled at him but he shook his head and carefully got up, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"No, wanna make coffee though? I could use some." He grinned and I nodded walking to the kitchen. Zayn followed me and hopped to the counter next to the coffee machine. 

"Umm.. Can I talk to you about something?" I asked and Zayn looked at me curiously. 

"Anytime, Li. You should already know that you can talk to me about everything." He answered. I sighed and looked at the coffee machine.

"I uh.. I have had some trouble sleeping, ya know. I get these nightmares and when I wake up I can't sleep again. Those nightmares makes me so angry and frustrated, Zee. And I don't know what to do about it." I explained and Zayn looked at me worried. The coffee was ready and I poured it to the cups waiting what Zayn was going to say. 

"Did you have a nightmare last night?" I nodded. Only thing was that I could fall asleep this time, because I was already so tired. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out and I have some things in mind that we can try tonight, yeah?" He smiled and took the cup from me. I quickly hugged him and he disappeared to the living room. 

I started to make some breakfast to the boys, humming lowly some Katy Perry's song. After making some bacon, toast and eggs, I walked back to living room to wake up the boys. I chuckled quietly as I noticed Zayn poking Louis' side, trying to wake him up. Louis was trying to hold up his laugh, squirming on top of Harry. 

"Zayn, stop! Harry! Harry! Help me!" Louis screamed while I walked up to Niall, who was slowly waking up to Louis' screaming. I kissed his forehead and he giggled before getting up from the couch. 

"Is there food?" He asked me and I grinned before nodding and pointing at the kitchen. I speared quick glance to the other boys and noticed Zayn staring at me. I smiled at him and he shook his head before going back poking Louis and now Harry as well. I went back to kitchen to find Niall already making his plate, collecting different food. I laughed and he turned to look at me with a grin on his face. 

"LiLi, come eat with me! I'm gettin' lonely here!" He said and I walked up to him. He pulled me on to his lap and my face went beef red. 

"Niall, what are you doing!?" I yelled giggling as he started to tickle my sides. What's with the tickling today? "You're so cute, I just want to cuddle you all day, Li." He mumbled against my back and my breath hitched. I heard a quiet whimper from the door and someone clearing their throat. I turned my head quickly seeing Zayn and Harry standing there. Harry looked a little angry maybe disappointed and Zayn wouldn't meet my eyes, trying to watch anywhere else than me. 

"You 'k there, Zee?" I asked confused and he nodded, still looking away from me. What's his deal? Harry ran his fingers through Zayn's hair and Zayn smiled a little before he came sitting on the bench. 

"You hungry? I can make some more so there's enough for everyone. Where's Louis?" Zayn shook his head, taking his phone from his pocket. 

"I'm not hungry. Louis went to shower, he almost peed his pants." Zayn grinned, looking at his phone. I got up from Niall's lap and he pouted adorably. 

"You should eat something, Zayn. You're starting to look kinda skinny there." I said and Zayn's grin faltered a little. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. 

"I didn't mean...-" I started but he stopped me. "It's fine, Liam. There's no way I'm getting "kinda skinny", I've gained weight too much." Zayn explained and I looked at me concerned.

Zayn's POV

"I'm gonna go to change my  swim shorts and then we can go. You should get ready too, we are going to the beach since it's our day off." I explained and rose from my seat to go to my room. 

After I had changed my clothes I made my way back downstairs just to find everyone waiting me with their swimming shorts on. 

"Well, finally! Let's get going, I want to swim!" Louis shouted and I chuckled to his cuteness. He slapped playfully my bum as I walked past them and I shrieked turning to see his grinning face. 

"You should watch your back. You're going to pay for that, Tomlinson." I threatened and he waved his hand like it was no big deal.

"Oh try you should, little man. You've got nothing on me," he winked at me and I glared at him as we managed to get to our car. After rather annoying car ride, where Harry was trying to torture me to death with tickling me, we were finally at our location. There was about one mile walk to the beach, through the park, so we packed our things from the car and started walking. 

"Do we have food with us? Because I didn't take any money with me." Niall asked after awhile of walking. Liam picked his pocket and shook his head. "Leeyum! I will die of hunger! Please." Niall pouted and Liam giggled, ruffling Niall's hair. They looked like a couple. Cute couple. I sighed and bit my lip. 

"I'll buy you something, yeah?" I said and Niall tackled me with a huge hug. "Thank you, Zaynie." I laughed as he got off me. There was a basketball rolling to my feet and I picked it up.

"Can you give my ball back, uncle?" A little guy ran to us, stretching his tiny hands trying to have his ball back. He was about five or six years old, with black curly hair. I kneel in front of him and gave him the ball. 

"What's your name little guy?" I asked and he giggled. "I'm Isaac, I'm five years old. How 'bout you?" The others stopped as well to wait for me as I chatted with Isaac. "I'm Zayn, I'm 21 years old. Are you playing with your friends?" Isaac nodded and pointed the basketball field. "We're playin' with ma friends and our parents are sun bathing there so they can see us. We dunno how to play really." 

"How about I show you few things right here and you can teach your friends then?" Isaac nodded, looking excited. He gave me the ball again and I showed him how to bounce it and throw it. After a little while, he was bouncing the ball like a pro, giggling while doing it. 

"Look, uncle Z! I got it! Look, look!" I ruffled his hair and he ran back to his friends. 

"Awww, wasn't that so cute? Our Zaynie showing how to play ball! Touching." Louis aww'd and hugged me from behind. I laughed shooing him off me. We made our way to the beach, after I bought Niall some chips. We settled under the sunshade and the others started stripping, planning to go into the water right away. 

I had a bad feeling about this day.

A/N: I'm so so so so so so sorry about taking this long! I've been busy and all that jazz but that's no excuse so I apologize. I also wanna thank you for being patient with me, I promise to try to update better, yeah? :D There's gonna be part 2 of this soon, I'll start writing it today. There will be some Zourry fluff, jealousy, Niam and everything. 

Fact: I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person. I suck at updating fast. And I want to move to Australia. Thank you. 

Oh, and I'm sorry that my writing sucks at the moment. It's been ages since I've been writing so I need to get used to it again ;) xx I love you all, you are all important <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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