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harry edward styles. twenty-two years old. about six feet tall. long, curly brown hair and the most dazzling green eyes you'll ever see. basically a clumsy giraffe that pretends he likes leather jackets to try and seem tough. attends uni, studying to become a producer, or something in the music industry. best friends include niall horan and liam payne, as well as sophia smith.

louis william tomlinson. twenty-four years old. about 5'6, but he'd never tell you that. short, fluffy caramel-colored hair and the brightest blue eyes in the world. basically a small softie with tattoos littered across his body to make him look cool. attends uni, coincidentally the same one that harry styles does, but it's not like they know that. studying to become a singer. best friends include zayn malik and eleanor calder.

their worlds are about to get a whole lot more fucked up than they already are, and it all starts with a motorcycle that harry's actually way too afraid to ride.


yo it's me. um, well, i guess, like...

new story??211!!$3

idk man honestly kaileb saw this au and was like 'yo zoe you should write this' in a gc we have for the one shot i'm writing w like many other people. and i was like 'ok sure'

i hope i actually write this and don't just leave it hanging like my others yike.

well, here's the prologue woo fun yay.

uh, i'm scared for this story honestly like i've fucked up so many au's but i'm fuckin up another.

aight. i love you all so much!!

all da love.

zoe xx

WARNINGS: vivid descriptions of gory scenes, as well as past/present mentions of harm, heavy drinking and cursing, basically all the shit y'all love.



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