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dedicated to my lovely mr_hlzln_stmph

i love you, babe.

throughout the next five days, louis and harry are practically inseperable.

on sunday, louis comes over and watches films on the couch with harry all day.

"you really didn't have to come over, lou," harry mumbles, feeling guilty when louis puts the film into the dvd player and sits down next to him.

louis pretends the nickname didn't make his heart flutter. "h, really, it's fine. besides, i want to get as many dates in as possible so i can finally learn more about you," he says, alluding to what happened yesterday with the panic attack harry had.

harry's throat tightens. "o-oh," he mumbles.

louis freezes. "wait, shit, i didn't mean it like that. i meant, like, the more dates we go on, the closer we get, and the closer we get, the more i'll learn about you. i didn't mean i'm just throwing around dates so i can find out what–what happened yesterday. you, um, you intrigue me, harry. really. and i know i only met you the other day, but i'm already in deep with you. i just want to learn more about you, s' all."

"oh," harry says, because what else can he say? "thank you. i'm, um, i already feel really close with you. and that–i don't normally get close with people this quickly, or at all."

so they spend the rest of the day on the couch watching films, and maybe, when they're halfway through "grease", louis wraps a shaky arm around harry and the younger curls into his side with his head on his shoulder.

on monday, harry texts louis and asks him if he wants to meet up during their free period (which they happen to have together) at uni for lunch.

pretty boy: louuu do you wanna meet up for lunch during fourth?

motorcycle cutie: sure! where at😛

pretty boy: there's a cute little sandwich shop down the road..?🙂

motorcycle cutie: sounds great. meet u in the front in 10

pretty boy: great😘

louis pretends that the little kissy face doesn't cause his heart to skip a beat. harry pretends that sending it didn't do the same.

they meet up at the front of the school, harry giving louis a quick hug before they start to walk towards the cafe. when they're only about a minute off campus, harry holds his breath and grabs louis' hand, intertwining their fingers.

they walk to the cafe, louis ordering for the both of them. "decaf chai latte for my boy here," he says to the barista.

harry blushes, playing with his fingers. "you... you remembered my coffee order?"

louis scoffs. "course i did, pretty boy."

and maybe, after they walked back to the campus and had to split up to go to their different classes, harry presses a quick kiss to louis' lips that has him blushing the color of his jacket.

on tuesday, louis changes his class so he has astronomy first period. (this may or may not be because harry is in that class)

"hi, i'd like to switch my classes?" louis says as he walks up to the front desk.

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