A Realization

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HAI EVERYONE! I am sooo so so so sorry for not updating.. I was out of town for the weekend. So here is the update for today and I will try and update again today as a bonus.
Ableu's heart stopped. He shut his eyes ever so tightly and huddled in the corner of the closet. What am I gonna do?! Mom will never believe me.. and what's gonna happen if I don't stop this thing?! He thought.

He stood as still as he could, his knees begging him to buckle. But he stood. He stood and he stood shivering, those words echoing in his hears sending sharp chills down his spine.

Ableu sighed and decided he should get back to his room. He quickly flung the door open and bolted upstairs to his room and pushed the door closed. The doll was now facing the doorway and Ableu stared into its cloth eyes.

The doll stared right back, seemingly making its grin grow wider every second. Ableu blinked and snatched the toy, chucking it into his sister's room. "Don't bother me." Ableu said to the doll. The doll landed to where it was still facing him. Ableu grimaced and shut the door to his sister's room with a bang.

Ableu shut his eyes, sighed, and turned back to his room.


Ableu had finished his homework just as his mother and sister had arrived home. Ableu was relieved and decided to tell his sister that she could keep it. He descended the stairs and hopped down the last two steps.

Then DJ rolled her eyes and said with disgust, "Ugh, why are you so bouncy?" Ableu grinned and replied, "Well, lil' sis" he stopped for he knew that she hated being called this as shown by her scrunched-up-nose. He continued, "I just thought, being the good brother that I am, I will let you have the doll.". Ableu finished, bowing.

DJ's eyes widened for she had never heard Ableu offer her something. "Uh, wow thanks big brother!" She yelped smiling at him. Ableu nodded and with that, DJ hopped up the stairs. Ableu's mom, Marianne, smiled approvingly at him. "Wow Ableu, I'm surprised.. finally decided you were too old for it huh?" Marianne said, nudging him with her elbow. Ableu just laughed and went back upstairs.

I need to make sure that that thing doesn't get back in my room. Ableu thought switching on the monitor on his desk. He sighed once more and reached for his mouse. Right before a bag was thrown over his head.


Hai everyone! I hope this chapter was good. And I will try to update again around noon. If I can't get it done then well I will update tonight ok? Live chu all! >////< ~Gina

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