8. "Marv"

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8. "Marv"

Cas doesn't explain to me what's happened to him, even after we've settled back down into Sam's room. He's gone mute on me, for now. All I can do is wait it out and see when we'll talk again.

We're back to the same position as before: me against his side. This time, he's got his cheek against the top of my head, a hand rhythmically rubbing itself up and down one of my tattooed arms. My eyes are focused on the TV, but my mind is elsewhere. We've got a news broadcast on right now. There's a story—and footage—of a black dog riding a skateboard down a street. The usual fluff piece amongst all the crime and murder stories.

"Ah, that dog thinks it's people," says the newswoman. I snort. Some of these broadcasters look as though they've been factory-made. She now turns to the camera, the playful face gone, replaced by a serious mask. "Up next, a very upsetting story out of Omaha. A downtown bar fight escalated tragically last night. And OWW Two news brings you an exclusive video of the event. The footage you're about to view is extremely graphic."

Footage of a brawl in an alleyway follows the warning. People are yelling, and one of the two men pulls out a weapon, shooting the other opponent of the fight. The camera pulls back, and now a white van can be seen.

"Efforts were made to resuscitate the victim, but unfor—" The footage is paused, and I move my head up to look at Cas.

"Cas?" Silently, he moves away, towards the TV, remote in hand, leaving me on the bed in befuddlement. The program is rewound, and then it's paused. Curious, I get off the bed, joining Cas's side. "What is it?"

"The image in the mirror." Cas points to a part of the screen. Squinting my eyes, I look where he apparently sees something.

A flame of anger rises in me once I realize what exactly I'm staring at. I want to reach through the TV—as though that'll do anything—and pull him through and wring his weasel neck. He escaped Cas and I the last time we were with him.

"Metatron," I hiss. "Dean asked about Metadouche, right? Well, here's our lead." Clever, Cas. Clever. "I say we call the station and get info on him and sniff him out."

"I agree."

"Considering you were...almost comatose earlier, this is a surprise."

"This is Metatron, the same man who left us to die in the library. The same man who killed you and Dean."

"You don't need to give me reason to want to go after him, Cas. I still want to kill him, demon or not." I snort. "Looks like we've found the thing to liberate us from bunker fever."

* * *

Our investigation into Metatron, or "Marv" as he gave the network, gives us some good leads. We get an address, leading to Metatron's apartment. The place creeps me out, as the second I see bedbugs I want to bolt. Bugs in beds, no thank you. But, on the plus side, Cas and I have found the so-called Demon Tablet, the thing that held the key to closing the Gates of Hell forever.

I find a police scanner in the apartment, and then Cas comes up with the idea to use it to figure out where Metatron is going to be next. (We assume this is how he finds his stories.) When we find a lead that only Metatron would take, Cas and I set out from the apartment, into the night, to head off Metatron.

Before leaving the bunker, I made sure to take an angel blade with me. Not that I necessarily need it to kill Metatron, I just want him to feel the same pain that Dean and I felt when he shoved the blade through us. Although, I won't deny that I would enjoy bashing his head in with my batons too. The angel blade just felt more fitting for the occasion.

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