34. God's Children

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34. God's Children

My stomach is in knots as Sam drives the Impala to our destination. I don't know what to expect. All I know is that it won't be good, whatever we're about to see. Dean's got Amara whisked away someplace. Now we need him to buy us enough time to spring Lucifer and get him and Cas to safety.

"Maybe you should've stayed behind, Jo," Sam tells me as we get out of the Impala. "I mean..."

"Hey, she's not here. If we were going in guns a blazing, I would've been on the bench," I say adamantly. I know it's not safe to risk my baby's life, but as long as Amara is distracted and kept away, this is perfectly safe.

My little brother and I lead Donatello and Metatron inside of the building. I stop abruptly, seeing Cas's body tied to a railing and sagging. Caked blood is dry on his face and his clothes. But I know it's Lucifer she's tortured, not Cas. The sight of him defenseless is the thing that propels my legs forward.

"Oh, goody," Lucifer pants. "Larry, Curly, Moe. Oh, and Castiel's baby mama. Shouldn't you be scarfing down junk food and watching Netflix?"

"Believe me, as much as I'd love that vacation, we're here to save your sorry ass," I retort.

"Search and rescue? Oh, wow. It's one of Dad's favorites." He must mean Donatello. "Your ticket finally got punched, huh? It's wacky, isn't it? One minute, you're...nobody. And then—shazam—you're Joan of Arc. Let's, uh—let's hope this ends better than that."

"All right, can the small talk," Sam insists. "We're busting you out of here."

"Well, it seems fair since I wouldn't be here if you lunatics hadn't set me up to be grabbed by Amara."

"Hey, we didn't intentionally throw you to the wolf," I snarl. Metatron goes up to be beside Lucifer. He begins chanting something.

"You're gonna help us take her down," Sam tells Lucifer. "If you say no, we'll just leave you here in Abu Ghraib."

Lucifer coughs, chuckling. "Say no? You see what she's done to me? Do I look like a fan?!"

Done to you, done to Cas. It looks like there's no difference. I want to see Cas's eyes, not Lucifer's. I want to hear Cas's voice, not his. I just want to embrace Cas, kiss him, be with him. I want him to heal, to tell him everything that he's missed.

"Did you grab this from the steno pool?" Lucifer asks. Metatron continues to chant.

"You understand you'll be working with your father," I tell him plainly. "Is that gonna be a problem?"

The Devil groans. "That's family. This is bigger."

"So, you'll table all the old stuff?" asks Sam.

"What happens in Heaven stays in Heaven."

More chanting on Metatron's part.

"Metatron, are we getting any closer?" I ask. "Dean can't stall forever." He has to stall long enough.

"I'm—I'm—I'm narrowing it down," says the scribe.

We watch and wait in anxiety as Metatron keeps chanting. Seeing the slight change in Lucifer's expression tells me that whatever Metatron is doing, it's working.

"There," the scribe says.

"Okay, good," I say. "Lucifer, zap us out of here—quick!"

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