Chapter One- Notice me?

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   I wiped away the fog from the classroom window and sighed. Below me I could see everyone sitting with a group and laughing, under cover from the storm, and here I was, so lonely, so unnoticed that I had to eat alone in the classroom. My teacher wasn't here, even he had a place to sit with people he could laugh with. The door squeaks behind me and I turn my face towards it hopefully. A girl with shoulder length red hair steps in and walks towards her desk,  yet she passes by me not even realizing I was there. As she left she bumped into me and looked back for a moment before she kept walking. My heart was shattered once more.

   I hugged myself as I went back to my desk and poked at my rice balls. It was almost as if I was invisible to her. I tuck my short black hair behind my ear and push my food away and rest my head on the table. The sound of the bell pulled me from darkness. I must've fallen asleep. I quickly cover my food up again and put it back in my bag.

   Then they all started to pour in. Their laughter filled the room as they teased each other and told stories. The last two people in were the red haired girl and next to her was a boy with the exact colour of red on his head and the same glistening purple eyes as the girl. They were almost identical. They sat down with a group and were instantly joking around with the other kids. Finally, the teacher strolled in with a big smile as he places his briefcase on the desk.

   "Good afternoon girls and boys. I do hope your lunch was good, despite this dreadful weather we are experiencing today. I don't know if any of you guys noticed, but we have two very late new students, but it seems like they've fit right in already. Would you two please come up and introduce yourselves?" Mr Howard said with a giant grin. The two students stood up and walked up to the front with confidence.

"My name is Lizza Kingsley, it's a pleasure meeting you all." The girl says in a sweet tone, she then looked over at the boy.

"Ah, my name is Lex Kingsley, I'm her twin brother." he says happily. They both walk back to their seats and Mr Howard starts speaking again.

"Welcome Lex and Lizza! I'm going to continue on from the history work we did yesterday, you can get help from the other students as long as you don't interrupt. I'll place both of you next to our top two students who I'm sure will be happy to help." he tells them in his usual kind voice.

   I watch as Lizza gets seated next to Arthur who is three rows to my left and two ahead of me. Then my gaze follows Lex who sits next to Erika. Her seat is one row to my right and one ahead, meaning that Lex sits directly in front of me. I sigh is displeasure when he sits down, causing my view to become obstructed due to his tall posture and reasonably muscular body. He cocks his head and swiftly turns towards me and looks straight into my face, I can't help but to gasp at the thought that he actually heard me.

"Are you okay? Am I blocking you?" he asks in a whisper.

"M-me?" I stutter. The corners of his mouth turn up into a grin.

"Yes you. Who else would I be talking to? However, I was serious when I asked you if you could see." he whispers with a chuckle.

"Oh, um, yes I'm fine. Thank you." I respond awkwardly. Lex smiles at me once more before returning his face to the board.

Finally the last bell echoed through the halls and classroom and everyone leapt from their seats and left as quick as they possibly could. I however took my time, knowing that no one was waiting for me, well except for my mom, but she's working late tonight. I tucked my books into my bag slowly. Suddenly, I hear a throat being cleared behind me and I swing my body around. Lex is staring down with a large smile.

"Um, hi." I say nervously.

"Why are you so nervous? It's as if you're not use to people talking to you, or even waiting for you." Lex says as he raises an eyebrow.

"That's because I'm not. I doubt you noticed, but no one ate lunch with me and no one even glances in my direction and if they do they tend to look through me. Not that it matters or anything, and it's not like I'm desperate for attention or anything." I start to ramble. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Don't worry, I don't blame you for wanting at least some attention. I got the feeling that no one spoke to you when you clumsily responded earlier, and to be honest I kind of felt bad because no one was giving you a chance and I think you're a truly kind person." he explains.

"So this is a pity type of thing?" I mumble.

"No, that's not what I meant. I'm not very good with words. I meant that you intrigued me, do get use to it, because you just made yourself a friend." Lex states enthusiastically.

"Don't confuse pity with friendship." I tell him distantly.

"I already told you, it's not pity. I genuinely want to have a friendship with you, and to become friends you need to tell me your name. I know you know mine because the teacher made me and my sister introduce ourselves." he replies optimistically.

"My name is Sonya Hill." I tell him quietly.

"Sonya? That's kind of a pretty name." he smiles confidently. I feel a blush creep to my face and I cover it with my hands.

"Thank you. My mom gave it to me." I tell him quickly.

"Well then Sonya Hill, tell your mom that she chose a great name!" Lex grins playfully.

We leave the classroom and continue chatting. As we walk lots of people say hi to Lex, but completely ignore me, I felt a little sad, I've always put on a mask and tried to interact, but no one wants to befriend a weird girl who no one speaks to. Well until Lex came along. It was strange having someone desperately want to be your friend, maybe not for other people, but for me it was like a magical thing had happened. I thought nothing could go wrong now.

Boy was I wrong...

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