Chapter Two- The Portal Opens And A Hero Emerges

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   I stared at Lex desperately as the ground beneath us shook and cracked. I watched as a large crack began forming between Lex and myself, my eyes shot towards him as he stepped back.

"Help me!" I screamed as the crack got bigger and started to circle me. 

   My eyes pleaded for someone to help me, but everyone ignored me and ran, everyone but Lex. He just continued looking at me then looking back behind him. He was stuck on a decision. I reach my hand towards him but he only steps farther away. Tears sting my eyes as he turns his back.

"I'm sorry Sonya, I want to help, but I need to find Lizza." he cries before running off with everyone else.

"You're just like everyone else!" I screech at him before I fall to my knees.

   The ground underneath me gives up and I crash through floors all the way to the very bottom. The dirt cascades around me and I scream bloody murder when I see the cement on its way down. I try to get up and run, but my leg was caught under a wooden beam. My face was streaked with dirt and tears, my eyes watch the floors as the get closer and closer, finally I decide to shut my eyes and accept my fate. Suddenly the wooden beam flies off of me and I feel adrenaline pump through my veins as I run out of the way.

   I look back and see a abnormally large figure drop the beam, it had ruby scales cascading down its body and a pair of large wings covering its head. Then the cement hit the beast. I step back bewildered. I look behind me and see that there was a crowd at of people staring at the same thing I was. I ran towards it and attempted to unbury it from its cement blanket, but my efforts were in vain.

   I pulled my now bloody hands away and covered my face in defeat. That beautiful creature died because of me. Without anytime to grasp the situation the creature bursted through the demolished school and spread out its wings. The sun bounced off of its scales and I crawl backwards slightly. The beast shakes off its body and looks down at me.

   Its body shrinks down to a large horses size and it smiles at me. It had large razor sharp teeth and forest green eyes. I gaze at the specimen in front of me and gasp. It seemed like it was a dragon from fairytales, but that couldn't be possible. Dragons don't exist.

"Are you alright?" The dragon breathed out a question.

"I-I'm fine. Are you alright?" I ask fumbling over my words. The dragon laughs gently.

"I've had worse than that. Now, I can see that you're confused. Everyone is, and I will explain this all, but you must know Sonya, evil things are coming, and this town isn't ready for it." The dragon tells me.

"How do you know my name?" I ask worriedly.

"I'm here to guide you. You're the only one who can save these people. My name is Rya, and yes I am a dragon, and yes, I am here for you and only you." The dragon who calls herself Rya answers my question calmly.

"So, the earthquake wasn't really a earthquake? It was that thing- that portal opening up?" I gasp.

"Indeed, and you're lucky I'm the first one out. You're welcome by the way. For saving your life." Rya says kindly.

"Yes, of course! Thank you so much!" I reply excitedly. I throw my arms around the neck of the dragon and she gasps.

"I've never been touched like that." she whispers.

"It's called a hug. It shows affection and gratitude." I smile.

"Sonya?" I hear a boys voice from behind me and I immediately turn around with a glare.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"I'm so sorry I didn't help you! I was so scared and I didn't know where my sister was, I didn't want her or you to die, I should've helped you then we both could've looked for her and you wouldn't have fallen." Lex pleads. The loud foots steps of Rya come up from behind me.

"I get it. Besides, I'm use to people leaving me behind. We are just lucky Rya was able to save me." I respond blankly. I place my hand on Rya's snout.

"You're never going to forgive me for this." he chokes out.

"I may one day, but not right now. Sorry." I tell him before walking away from the obliterated school.

I look behind me slowly and my jaw drops at the amount of people staring me down. All eyes were focused on the invisible girl, who wasn't so invisible anymore. I turn my head towards Rya who was staring at the statue of our towns founder.

"Something is coming." she manages to say in a hoarse whisper.

"I can't fight anything, I don't have any knowledge about fighting mythical beings! I'll die before I can ever let out a breath!" I screech. Rya's eyes turn to me, they were filled with horror.

"Whatever is coming I'm no match for it, and that's coming from a dragon." she states hesitantly.

"So how the hell do you expect me to be able to fight!" I retort.

"You can't, you're not ready. You have to run, I'll try to hold it off, but you must leave." Rya says remorsefully.

"I won't let you die for me. No one will die for me." I tell her, I was trying so hard to sound confident, but in reality I know my voice quivered.

"Someone has to fight or all of these people will die." she finally responds and she sadly looks behind us at the crowd of high school students and adults.

"I'll fight somehow." I state staring at the statue which was gradually forming a dark purple circle on it.

"But then you'll die. You can't get hurt, you're the only hope for this town, maybe even the world." Rya says distantly, her eyes still watching the crowd.

"That's a lot of pressure on a mentally unstable sixteen year old girl." I snort.

"We are earlier than I thought. This- this shouldn't be happening yet." Rya gasps. I look at her and raise an eyebrow.

"It's not my fault an evil portal formed in my town too early. Personally, I'd much prefer if this never happened. Telling a teenager that she's destined to be a hero is a little bit scary." I scoff.

Suddenly a large silver and gold sword spirals out of the portal and lands at my feet. Glistening in the hilt of the weapon was a large purple amethyst. I shakily reached down and traced the gemstone with my finger before wrapping my entire hand on it. I stood straight and the sword felt oddly comfortable in my grasp. Without knowing it, my arm spun the sword behind my back and forward again raising it high above my head.

My legs stepped into a fighting pose and a giant head popped out of the portal. The large snake bared its fangs and hissed loudly.

"Come at me." I said in a voice that didn't sound like my own.

The snake propelled itself at me and the sound of metal on scale bounced off the rocks and buildings.

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