Chapter Three- Disappearing Act

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My blade sliced through the snake instantaneously and its body drops to the ground before disappearing, leaving a large spot of green grass. My knees go weak and I fall to the ground, the strength I just had was gone and I look up at Rya.

"How did I do that? I thought that thing was suppose to be tough." I sneer.

"I stretched the truth a little, I wanted to see if you could handle a simple serpent, I apologize if I scared you." she says with a toothy grin. I glare at her and attempt to stand up, but fail tremendously. Suddenly a large pair of arms wrap around my body and helps pull me up.

"Sorry, you just looked like you needed some help." A strained whisper says next to my ear.

I turn my head and my face goes red when I realize that Lex was mere inches away from my face. I try to back up, but I was still too weak. It seemed like he was my only hope for standing since Rya was watching pleasantly from the side.

"I'm fine." I snorted aggressively. He rolled his eyes and sighed,

"I know that's a lie, I'm not stupid you know. Besides, I'm studying to be a nurse, so I know when someone isn't feeling well."

"Whatever." I grumble and slouch against his body.

"Let's go get you a seat and something to eat to bring your energy back. I imagine you used quite a lot of it killing a random snake that emerged from a statue that everyone in this god-forsaken town seems totally cool with. It's as if this stuff is normal!" he chuckles awkwardly.

"It's definitely not normal, but the town forgets things quite easily. Especially the high school kids. If they see a popular kid making out with their best friends boyfriend all the news goes to them. Killing a giant snake is nothing compared to a good old high school scandal." I laugh.

"Teenagers. Amiright?" Lex responds with a big grin.

"We're teenagers you knob." I giggle.

"Sure seems that way." he whispers sadly. He sits me on a bench and backs up.

"What did you say?" I ask. He shrugs and licks his lips.

"Ah, nothing, I'm going to go get you something to eat and drink. Don't go killing giant monsters from statues when I'm gone." he responds calmly, completely brushing away his last comment.

"I'll try really hard not to. Speaking of giant monsters that came from statues, do you know where Rya went?" I questions as I look around the grounds.

"Not since I left with you." he states before walking off.

   I don't know where he plans on finding food since the school was destroyed, but I decided it wasn't worth pressing for more answers, for it seemed like something was bugging him suddenly. I pull my hair up into a bun and watch the students walking around meeting up with there friends since school was out early. Quite literally.

I exhale a sharp breath and desperately look around the grounds, hoping that I could spot the scarlet scales that belonged to Rya, but it was pointless. She was gone. I rub my eyes with my palms and take my glasses out of my bag and put them on. As I started to daze out my body was shook and I looked up at Lex. He held an apple in his hand and a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask him gently as I take the apple from his hand.

"I still can't find Lizza, and that's not all. I heard some teachers talking about students that seemed to have just vanished. What if my sister was killed or someone took her? Well, if she was killed I would know, but I can't even feel her anymore. She just disappeared off the face of the earth or something!" he exclaims.

"I'm sure she's fine. You need to calm down and breathe, I'll help you find her and everyone else that have gone missing." I reassure the boy standing before me who looked like a porcelain doll that would shatter from the slightest tap.

"How do you know she's fine?" he shouts nervously. I stand up and put my hands on his shoulders.

"I have a feeling. However, what did you mean when you said you could couldn't 'feel' her anymore?" I question. He bites his lip nervously and looks down.

"It's a twin thing. You wouldn't understand." he whispers hesitantly. I brush his red hair behind his ear and smile weakly at him.

"You're right, but I promise you I'll find her." I say positively. His cheeks go pink and he looks away.

"I know you will." he stumbles out as if he was embarrassed.

"You got me food because I was weak, but maybe you need some food too. This stress cannot be good for you." I laugh. He turns his face to me and grins.

"I'll be alright. I'm just scared for Lizza. Anything could happen, y'know?" he responds.

"I understand that, but standing here being scared for her won't save her from wherever she and all of those other missing kids are. All we can do now is fight and find out where they are so we can bring them all home and connect them with their families again." I explain confidently.

"Being a hero really is in your blood." he chuckles quietly. I raise my eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that? You just met me." I tell him cautiously.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing, I was just, um, well I was referring to what Rya said about you. About being a hero." he responds quickly.

"How do you know she said that to me? She only told me and you weren't even around." I say as I step back nervously.

"I was definitely there. No doubt about it." he smiles almost too perfectly.

"What aren't you telling me, Lex?" I growl accusingly.

"I'm being honest. You need to learn trust if you're the hero who's going to save the town." he spits viciously. I guess my accusations genuinely insulted him.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry about that." I put on a fake smile and look towards the field.

There was something he was keeping secret, he knows something about me that I don't even know. It's funny how when all of this happens a strange man appears the exact same day. With knowledge being masked by plastic. I couldn't help but feel suspicious, so much so that my brain was making of answers. Did he have something to do with the portal and the missing teenagers?

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