Girl Bonding Time

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Klaus was gone when I woke the next morning. Early the next morning with Rebekah pounding on the door of his bedroom, calling for me to get ready for our trip to Virginia. She knew I’d spent the night in his room and we were going off on a trip together. I’d be hearing about this. I shook my head as I stretched.

“Okay!” I called to her.

“Did you not let her sleep at all, Nik?” I heard her ask in the hallway.

His low chuckle was the only answer before he opened the door and walked in, closing it softly behind him. I yawned and stretched and he stood there smiling at me. He’d already showered, gotten dressed.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I shook my head. “So you’re letting her think that we…”

“Why not? I’ll have you soon enough,” he assured me.

His words combined with the devilish grin he wore as he approached the bed had every inch of my body on red alert.

“You think so, huh?” I teased him, about to stand.

Grabbing my hands, he pushed me back on the bed, the strong length of his body lowering onto mine.

“I do think so.” Klaus lower his lips to mine, kissing me with a finesse I’d never experienced. His lips were gentle, his tongue coaxing mine to explore him as he was exploring me. The heat of him pressing into me made me quickly light-headed. The firm grip he had on my wrists on either side of my head let me know I wasn’t going anywhere until he released me.

And I was fine with that. My body was melting beneath his, shaping itself around the hardness of him. When I pushed my hips up against him, rolling them, he moaned into my mouth. When he pulled back to glance down at me, I could barely breathe. The raw desire in his blue eyes was intense.

“Keep doing that and not only will Rebekah being going alone,” he warned, “she’ll find you still here beneath me when she gets back with my witches.” His lips scorched down over my jaw to my neck, biting me playfully with his human teeth before his mouth blazed a trail down to my chest. Nuzzling against one tight peak that he found, and not well concealed by my pj’s, he seemed to be breathing me in. My hips pushed up against him in response, my body feeling like it was going up in flames.

“Nik, get off Caroline!” Rebekah called, back at the door. “We need to get going.”

Klaus sighed, releasing my hands and pulling me up with him until we stood next to the bed. My legs were struggling to cooperate. His smirk told me he could tell too. Damn him.

Leaning in close, he whispered. “Go get ready, love, while I’m still able to let you.”

Struggling to breathe, I nodded, walking around him and heading to my room. To my relief, Rebekah wasn’t out there in the hallway waiting for me.

I showered and got myself together, put together what I’d need for a couple of days. I assumed it would only be a couple of days anyway. I tucked everything into my smallest suitcase and headed downstairs.

Rebekah was there talking to her brothers by the door when I reached her. Klaus’ expression was particularly mischievous when I caught his gaze.

“There she is,” he said. “All ready to go with you, sister.”

“It took you long enough,” Rebekah grumbled.

“It’s only like six in the morning,” I told her. “My brain usually doesn’t engage until at least eight.”

“Today it might even take a bit longer,” Klaus added.

“Shut up,” I told him, embarrassed by the insinuation. A little miffed because he was right. He could kiss like no one else I’d ever met and it was messing with my head. I’d be lucky if I’d packed what I needed with the thoughts of what had happened in his bedroom running through my mind.

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