Because the night

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A/N: I almost got this chapter posted last night. But the mid-season finale of TO left me not knowing what to think and I had to recover a little. =)

WARNING: This chapter is a little racy. I hope I've stayed within the rating. Anyway, for those of you who are not fans of racy stuff, I won’t judge you for skimming.

The house was quiet as I made my way down the stairs. I paused at the bottom of the stairs, remembering the night he’d stopped me when I’d worn the blue lingerie I’d found in the same armoire. I just hoped he liked the sexy peach gown I was wearing as much. After finding the living room empty and checking the kitchen and dining room, I decided that the library would be my best option.

There was a roaring blaze in the library’s fireplace and he sat facing it, his back to the doorway. It was surprising how cool the house became at night, even in this sultry city in summer. I could see the mostly empty glass of bourbon he held on the arm of the chair. Just as I thought, he was brooding. It wasn’t surprising. How many nights in a thousand years had he spent just like this? Wounded and alone. True, much it had probably been because of his own actions but still…

I held my breath as I stepped into the room, knowing how volatile he could be and risking his temper. But was it so wrong to want to comfort him?

“Go back to bed, love.” His voice was low and rough, maybe from the alcohol or fatigue.

“When are you coming to bed?” I asked, sounding more like a child than the sultry woman I’d planned to be once I got here.

His sigh was so quiet I almost missed it. When he didn’t say anything, I walked to the high back of the chair he sat in, my hands clutching its sides as I peeked around it to see him.

“I mean, you did go to all the trouble to have my stuff moved into your room,” I teased him cautiously.

Klaus angled his head to look up at me, his blue eyes were a storm of dark emotion as he studied me.

Because I couldn’t seem to help it, I reached out to smooth my hand against his cheek, enjoying the way his stubble brushed at my skin. Sliding my hand up, I let my fingers slide into the dark blond locks of his hair. His eyes slid closed, the press of his lips relaxing as he leaned into my touch.

“Staying here all by yourself, brooding, isn’t going to make anything better,” I told him, keeping my voice low. “Come to bed. At least get some rest. I promise not to make you watch Say Yes to the Dress again.”

His sensual lips curved up into a smile, teasing me with those dimples. Turning his head, he pressed a kiss to the inside of my wrist.

When his eyes opened, his gaze moved over what he could see of me anyway. He could see my arm was bare, maybe the lacy strap of the gown at my shoulder. Tilting his head, I could tell he was trying to see more of me.

“Come here, love.” Gently easing my hand from his head, he grasped it tightly in his own and used it to pull me around the chair. I enjoyed the way his eyes rounded in surprise as I let him pull me before him so I was in full view. Those blue eyes smoldered as his gaze moved down my body slowly and back up.

I bit my lip, feeling nervous, wanting him to like what he saw. It wasn’t like I’d ever dressed up like this and just offered myself to someone. I was used to the back seats of cars, the couch and my bed back home. It was always rushed before my Mom came home or someone pulled up in their car. I’d never actually been seduced. I’d never tried to seduce someone. Much less someone who had been around as long as he had. I stood there waiting for him to say anything, hoping he didn’t find me lacking.

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