The Freelancer.

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^That's Blake's outfit, but imagine he's wearing those fancy pointy shoes he has^ Alsoooo at the end there's gonna be a really long bit about the M&G I went to so if you don't wanna read that then don't bother haha

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^That's Blake's outfit, but imagine he's wearing those fancy pointy shoes he has^ Alsoooo at the end there's gonna be a really long bit about the M&G I went to so if you don't wanna read that then don't bother haha


There was a line of people outside the door to The Freelancer, all looking pretty desperate to get inside. The Freelancer was a VIP joint, where lots of celebrities and rich people went to wind down. It was rare that regular people got inside.

The bouncers on the door - big, muscled, scary men dressed in all black - made it their business to know every celebrity who could possibly want to enter, so said celebrity wasn't insulted when told to stand in line with all the rest of the regular people. Blake supposed that was why when he started walking up to the club, the bouncer said "Welcome, Mr Richardson" and ushered him inside. The brunette was quite shocked at first but hurried inside the club, not wanting to make the bouncer question whether he was who the bouncer pointed him out to be.

Inside the club it wasn't too dark, but it wasn't lit up completely. There were a lot of neon green lights, as the colour theme for the club was green. There were staff on the bar and walking around with trays of drinks wearing black trousers and waistcoats that were black on the back and dark green on the front. Their bow ties matched the dark green of the waistcoats, their shirts black like their trousers.
There was a dancefloor area in front of the well-stocked bar, where celebrities were grinding on one another, drunk. To either side of the dancefloor there were green leather booths for people to sit in, and at the back there were three different VIP areas with dark green sofas. It seemed that not all celebrities are VIPs, after all.

As soon as Blake stepped into the room, a drink was placed in his hand. A member of staff said "Freelancer special, on the house" as he inspected the green drink. He tried to thank the staff member who handed it to him but they had disappeared almost as soon as they had appeared. The brunette shrugged as he stepped further into the club, looking around to see if he could see Evie, however his eyes didn't catch sight of the blonde.
A couple of people stumbled into him and he pushed them back to their feet quickly, smiling when they thanked him and watching them stumble off.

Catching sight of an empty booth, Blake wondered over to it and sat down on the green leather, keeping his eyes towards the dance floor to see if he could see the blonde he'd gone there for. The brunette drank some of his drink, wincing at how strong the drink seemed to be and not quite working out what was in it, but he assumed that whatever it was wouldn't kill him so he took another gulp. His brown eyes swept the room, scanning each person to see if they were Evie or not. None of them were.

Blake sat there for nearly half an hour, drink completely finished, watching people dance and stumble as his mood dropped. Did Evie lie to him? Did she just tell him to meet her there to get rid of him? Was he wasting his time?
A member of staff walked past, and Blake called out to them "Another one", placing his empty glass on the tray. The man nodded and walked off, leaving Blake to run his hands through his hair in frustration. "Where are you, Evie?" The brunette muttered, feeling his heart sink. He didn't understand where she could have been - he'd been watching the club for 30 minutes, surely if she was there she would have turned up?

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