Evie's Revenge.

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Blake could remember the first time he'd locked eyes with Evelyn Carter-Green. It had been back when they were 10, two weeks before they became friends, and some of the kids in class had been whispering about her. She was the new girl, the one who didn't quite fit in, and she intrigued the brunette. He couldn't help but stare at the blonde girl sat in the corner of the class, looking like she'd rather be anywhere else. Blake couldn't quite understand why the girl didn't try to make friends. Surely if she dropped the slightly disgusted look on her face then she could easily start talking to someone. He could remember staring at her as she slipped her phone out of her pocket and texted someone, and watching her face fall into an angry frown when she got a reply. It seemed that whoever she was texting was telling her something she didn't want to hear. Or rather... read.

Not really thinking his actions through, he'd gotten up and walked over to the back of the room. The blonde girl looked up at him when she sensed him approaching, her green eyes locking onto his brown ones. The brunette had stayed standing there for a minute, as if he'd forgotten how to speak, as he tried to think of what to say to the girl. When he'd eventually worked out a sentence, she beat him to talking. "If you're just going to stand there gaping at me, I suggest you stop before I make you". Panicking, the brunette had quickly walked away.

It was the same now, ten years later; Blake was frozen, Evie was right in front of him, staring at him with her big green eyes, and yet he couldn't think of a damn thing to say. It's like he'd suddenly been restored to factory settings, and couldn't remember a word of the English language. He let his eyes fall down her body, taking in her white, posh, silky blouse and her black, mid-thigh, tight pencil skirt, along with her tall black stilettos. She looked like she'd been working, judging by her outfit, but her immaculate hair and makeup went against that theory, and suggested she'd spent all day in a salon. The brunette's eyes shot back up to meet hers, suddenly realising how perverted he was currently being and trying his hardest to think of something to say. When he finally did open his mouth to say something, the blonde beat him to it, like she had ten years ago. "If you're just going to stand there gaping at me, I suggest you stop before I make you" And then she moved past the brunette and into the cafe, leaving his heart to explode with hope and his head to spin with questions.

Does she remember that time ten years ago? Was that her telling me she remembers me? If she does remember me, why did she walk away? Doesn't she want to talk to me? Blake, what are you doing just standing here?! Go talk to her!

Blake snapped out of his trance and quickly re-entered the cafe, walking up to the blonde girl who was stood at the counter, talking to Maureen. "-I don't even know, just any food that I like" Evie turned away from the woman and, ignoring Blake, strutted over to the table in the corner by the window, where she sat down and started to people-watch. The brunette turned to Maureen, and the older woman gestured over to the blonde girl who had just left the two. "Go talk to her" She encouraged, and Blake shook his head.

"I don't know what to say! It's like she's right there but she's so far away" The boy muttered.

"Blake, stop trying to be a tumblr kid and go speak to her! She's not going to bite your head off" Blake sighed and turned to the blonde. Wondering how Maureen knew what tumblr was and if she had her own account, he took a gulp and started in Evie's direction. He had no idea what he was going to say to her, or if he'd even be able to talk to her when he got there, but he knew he couldn't just walk away now. Obviously the universe had given him a third chance (if you don't count the times he failed to reach her, which Blake doesn't), and he needed to take it before he lost Evie forever.
As he approached the table, the blonde looked to him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you actually going to speak this time, or are you going to waste more of my life?" Her voice was more posh than Blake remembered it, and he didn't really like it. The brunette shook his head at what was said, his eyes not leaving hers. "Then why don't you use your words" The blonde spoke in a patronising tone, causing the brunette to suddenly stammer out:

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