In the Moonlight (Chapter 1)

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(Y/n)'s pov

"(L/n)! Come here! NOW!"

"Yes commander!" You replied as you walked to your commander. With one hand behind your back and the other hand on your forehead, you saluted to him.
He looked at you with disgust as he shouted at you in front of all the other soldiers "I heard you skipped the training....AGAIN!"
You avoided eye contact with him.

'Why am I here again? Oh yeah right, I thought the army would be a good place to stay when you don't want to.........
No. Don't think about that (y/n)!'

"Who do you even think you are?!" He shot you a glare.
You didn't like your commander and he didn't like you, it wasn't a big secret or something, in fact, everyone knew that you hated each other. You didn't answer him but instead you just looked at him with a stupid smile on your face.
"Answer me (l/n)!"

Your smile just grew bigger, you had nothing to lose. So you kept smiling at him with that stupid mask everyone called happiness.

"That's an order you short-shit!" (Oh yeah, I forgot. do I put this? You're shorter than shorty...hehe) Your commander just became more angry with every second. He glared at you before spitting on your favorite (f/c) boots.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n) and I'm always happy! I'm better than everyone else that's why I always skip training. And I love it to annoy everyone. Oh my gosh it's so much fun to be in the army! I can't die in the war because I'm the best and I'm so fabulous! Oh look at me I'm so awesome with my (h/l) (h/c) hair" He talked with a high pitched voice.

'Asshole...' (Btw those are your thoughts if you haven't figured it out already)

You kept smiling and suddenly grabbed his arm.
"Oi! (L/n)! What do you think you're-"

"I love to shout and I also love to bully my soldiers! Especially that little short-shit (l/n)" You mocked annoyed but still smiling. You pulled on his arm and made him kneel on the floor. "I'm the commander, that's the reason why I can do whatever the fuck I want!" Your smile was replaced with a small smirk, you kept mocking him as you kicked him in the stomach before kneeling him in the face and spitting on his head.

"Thank you for the nice conversation commander." you said smiling again. You saluted, then turned around and walked away. Leaving your commander and all the other soldiers back speechless.

As soon as you had left the room you dropped your smile and left to take a walk in the woods. 'Finally! I don't have to smile like an idiot anymore!'

You looked around to make sure you were alone and made your way towards a huge tree. You quickly climbed on top of the tree.

~Time skip~
(Brought to you by giant titans in the walls)


I was still sitting on the tree. The sky at night looked so beautiful.

'The moon's so pretty' you thought and looked at the sky. It reminded you of someone.

"Have you seen it already?" You asked, wondering about your old friend.

You put your hand in a small hole in the tree. 'I wonder if it's still in there...or if it was only my imagination...'


(A few years ago)

{ You had just joined the army. You had no reason for your existence anymore. That's why you joined them.

You climbed a huge tree. The view was stunning and it was a good place to hide IT.

You pulled the item out of your pocket and put it in a small hole in the tree. "I'll never forget you......" You whispered as a tear found its way out of your eye and down your (s/c) (skin colour) cheeks. }

(Flashback ends)

You felt something between your fingers and immediately pulled it out. You were surprised to see the star-shaped medallion (+necklace) in your hand. "So it's still here, huh?" you mumbled "it wasn't my imagination nor was it a dream."

"I wonder? if you're still alive..." You said looking at the medallion. You put it on and looked at the bright moon again.
"You always said you wanted to see the moon and the stars, but you lived in the underground. Wherever that is.
.......Did you manage to see it?"

You looked down at the beautiful scenery and let out a loud and long sigh. 'You were my only were my best friend. Why did we have to grow up? I can't see you in my dreams anymore. Just because I'm not 4 years old? It's not fair...but life isn't fair'

You sighed and shut your eyes tightly...

"I still haven't forgotten you, I will never forget you....."

"I hope you still remember me too..............


























A/n: Soo that's the new chapter.  I know, I know it isn't very interesting.

You're such a badass reader-chan.










"Don't forget me..." (Levi × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now