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Tyler, are you sure? You can always go back to Josh and apologize-"
"I'm sure Jenna. It wouldn't work. I just- I need somewhere to stay right now."
"Okay. You can stay over."
"Thanks Jen." Tyler said and hugged her. Tears started forming in his eyes, and he broke down. "I miss him." He whispered.

Josh was now laying in his bed, all lights off, covers up to his chin. He hadn't touched his phone in 2 hours, since his call with Tyler. He was so sad, but so angry at the same time. Angry at himself. He should've had the guts to tell Zack, and keep Tyler safe. Or even tell Tyler's parents! Angry at Zack, for treating Tyler this way. Surely there was nothing Tyler did to Zack to deserve this! Josh wished he could just go and tell Tyler so they could make up. He wished he could go and tell Zack. But there's no point now, they're not together anymore. And Josh was devastated. He missed Tyler. It felt like he hadn't seen him in a million years. He missed Tyler so much.

It was getting to be 10, and Tyler was getting ready for bed. He had sat with Jenna for a really long time. She tried to comfort him, but to no avail.
"Cmon Tyler, you guys will get through this. You'll get back together, right?" She tried.
Tyler shook his head slowly and wiped his eyes.
"I guess he just doesn't care,"
Jenna took his face in her hands and looked in his eyes.
"Tyler. Don't say that. Even before you guys were together, Josh would always tell me how much he liked you. He would get so flustered talking to you, and let me just say, it was adorable. The way he looks at you? Tyler, don't ever let me hear you say that again, because it's a complete lie. Okay?" She let go of Tyler's head.
He nodded and looked down.
And then broke down in tears.
He sobbed and Jenna held him in her arms.
"Why am I such an idiot? Everybody sees these things but me," he cried.
"You're not an idiot." Jenna said.
Tyler took some deep breaths and his sobs evened out.
They hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
Jenna's mom opened the door an walked in.
"Oh, is this a bad time? It's just that-" Mrs.Black said awkwardly.
Jenna looked at Tyler, who shook his head.
He wiped his eyes and spoke up.
"No ma'am, it's alright." He said, quite calmly.
"Okay honey. Your mom is on the phone right now." She said, holding out the phone.
Tyler took it, and Mrs.Black left the room. He took a deep breath before putting the phone up to his ear.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Tyler?" Mrs.Joseph replied.
"Yeah mom. What is it?"
"Sweetie, we need you to come home. I know you're at Jenna's, and you probably want to stay, but you need to come home." His mom explained.
He took a deep breath before replying.
"Okay. I'll get home soon."
"Thanks hon. See you soon." His mom said and hung up.
Tyler gulped and looked back at Jenna.
"I need to go home." He sighed.
"Yeah, I heard. You gonna be okay?" She asked and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." He nodded. He sighed once again and sat on Jenna's bed.
"You sure?" She asked.
He simply nodded, rubbed his eyes, and got back up.
"Thanks." He said. 
Tyler opened Jenna's door and walked downstairs.
"Everything alright Tyler?" Ms.Black questioned.
"Yes ma'am. My mom was just telling me to go home." He said.
"Oh, alright. Bye Tyler," she said.
He nodded and waved, then left.
Once he was outside on the sidewalk, he sighed and put his head in his hands.
He walked home.

The One Who Didn't Jump // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now