Chapter 2: The Purple Encounter & The Boy

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                       Valerie looked at the map her mom gave her not too long ago. Even though she had a map with her, Valerie was lost and stuck in the middle of nowhere. What a bad sense of direction...

           "Ahhhhh! Where in the world is Viridian City! I just started my pokemon journey and yet I'm LOST!!!!" Valerie knelt to her knees, giving up already. Then suddenly a bush in front of her rustled. She looked at the bush anxiously waiting something to jump out, hopefully a pokemon, she thought to herself. A small purple pokemon appeared. Valerie took out her pokedex and point it at the pokemon.

“Rattata, a mouse pokemon, it searches for food all day. It gnaws on hard objects to wear down its fangs, which grow constantly during its lifetime.”

         “A rattata? MOUSE POKEMON!!!” shrieked Valerie. Ever since she was small, she was always afraid of mice pokemon. Although she loved all pokemon, she tried stay away for mouse pokemon as much as possible.

 But this rattata looked really hungry. Out of pity, she gave the pokemon some food in her bag.

         “Here, you look like you haven’t eaten in days!” she told the little pokemon.

           “Rattata?” rattata look at Valerie and the food in her palm back and forth. It wonders whether to trust the girl or not. Then its tummy growled.

          “Well, come on now, I haven’t got all day, I can hear your little stomach all the way from up here,” said Valerie. The pokemon slowly walk to her and take the food.

  ‘’Rattata, rattata, ratta!!”

      “Haha, you’re pretty cute.”

“Ohhh, I know I’m going to regret this but alright here I go!” Valerie threw a pokeball at the pokemon.

         Nothing happened.

“Huh? Why can’t I catch you?” Valerie turned on her pokedex.

“You can’t catch other people’s pokemon”

“What? This rattata is already caught?” she was surprised.

“Hey, where is your trainer?” The rattata looked up at her with watery eyes.

“RATTATAAA!!!!” it cried and cried.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset.” Valerie tried to comfort the pokemon. She settled down for the night. She made a promise to herself that tomorrow I’ll hurry to a pokecenter and talk to Prof. Oak about this. She slept with rattata next to her.

**next morning**

       Valerie and rattata woke up. They looked for berries to eat. After breakfast, they started walking. Of course, they were more lost then they already were, but then they finally found someone.

''Hey you, wearing the stylish hat,'' yelled a voice. Valerie stopped and turned around. It was a boy with dark straight hair.

"My name is Kevin and let's have a battle!"

"Okay! I've been itching for a battle." The two fired up trainers went into position. Keven sent out a pidgey. Valerie took her pokedex and pointed it the flying pokemon.

"Pidgey, come on out!"

"Pidgey, a tiny bird pokemon. Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back."

"Alright pidgey, but get a taste of our flame, GO GROWLITHE!"

''A growlithe? If that's how you want to play it then pidgey use tackle" Pidgey swooped down flying toward growlithe at full speed.

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