Risks (Harry Styles Vampire fanfiction)

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Elenas POV

Tears gently trickle from my eyes. I promised myself i wouldnt cry. They begin to stream, reminding me I have no control left in my body. I need to feel in charge, i need to feel something, anything.

As i sit on top of the toilet, making sure my feet cant be seen from under the locked bathroom stall, i take out my blades. I normally would never do this in school, but something was different today. There was something inside of me telling me no one would come into the bathroom looking for me or that anyone cared at all.

The only thing saving me from not ending everything here is the thought of some poor freshman finding me or the janitor that smiles at me everyday. I decided to continue with the proccess washing away the thoughts of suicide.

I take the blade in my right hand and place it on my left wrist. Slowly, i add a bit of pressure and drag it across. Blood started to form in little drops and slowly dripped on to the floor. I repeated the same action 4 more times.

I felt a little sting which reminded me I was in fact alive, but it wasnt enough. Seconds after I cut any feelings I felt in those short moments dissapeared, leaving me emptier than I was before. I thought about ending it again, but then about the janitor, and about the 2 second stinging after i sliced my wrist, and it reminded me im still alive, no matter what I feel or don't.

I stared at the blod drops on the floor. In my mind i knew it was my blood, and i knew it had been pumping through me but a stronger part of me, the less logical part, thought as if i was dead and empty of any blood at all. I felt cold, like nothing. I was completely and utterly numb.

Harrys POV

I was sat in the back of the room in class. I was hungry, more like starving. I needed blood, i could barely contain myself any longer. The scents of each person around me were strong in my scences and my body craved for each one of them.

Then i smelt something different, a new scent. I checked to see if anyone new had walked in the room... nothing. Why do i smell different blood? Where is it coming from?

I needed to get out of that room before i completely lost all sanity. I abruptly stood up from my seat and sped to the hallway, as far way as I could get from that class and those people.

For some reason I still smelt that unfamilliar scent from the classroom. It intoxicated me even with large distance away. I had to find where it was coming from, no scent has ever had so much power over me before. I began to walk towards where i thought the blood was and stopped at its strongest point, The girls bathroom? I made sure this was the same blood i smelt, before pushing the door open.

Elenas POV

I heard the door push open and slam against the wall. Who could be here? Heavy footsteps travel along the bathroom and they begin to come closer to my stall. I look down and my eyes meet with the small puddle of blood sitting on the ground which i hadnt had time to clean.

I saw brown boots appear under the door as I desperately tried to remain quiet. They didnt look like they belonged to anyone i knew and they were definately mens shoes.

I silently prayed they wouldnt notice the bloody tile beneath me. Suddenly, the stall door was kicked open and there in front of me stood the most beautiful boy i've ever seen.

Harrys POV

I didnt know what to expect once i opened the door, but after I did I couldnt have been more surpised. Sat on the toilet was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Within her small and boney fingers, she held bloody metal blades and on her opposite weak wrist deep cuts were scattered.There was a small pool of blood on the floor. Her cheeks were stained from wet tears and her fragile knees were tightly held to her chest. Her eyes were sad and glazzed with tears also, and her cheeks held the most perfect blush.

She began to cry and shake lightly she seemed so... scared? Did she know what i was? Did she think i would hurt her?

Within the time I was staring at her, I had forgotten all about the blood on the floor. When i saw her face, the craving to drink from her dissapeared and was replaced with the need to make her stop crying, make her happy.

The smell of her blood became the hardest thing to resist and the only thing stronger was the need to keep her safe... it was different, confusing. When i saw her cry and her lips trembling all i could think about was making her feel better. Everything is amplified as a vampire, and I knew that. Pain, Love, hate, everything was stronger if you are like me, you feel more than you should.

Though I didnt know her and ive only been looking at her for a minute, i felt something special. I knew the risks and I knew what could happen if I couldnt control myself, but I had to know her or at least talk to her.

I slowly walked toward her, trying not to traumatize her even more. When I was finally next to her, I smiled and knelt down. She looked away the second our eyes met. My cold fingers met with her chin and turned her head to connect with my eyes again.

I lightly pushed away the hair that covered a portion of her face and tucked it behind her ear. She shivered under my touch and smiled back at me. I scooped her weightless body in my arms and brought her to the sink to be cleaned up. I took the razors out of her hands and tossed them away after placing her on the sink.

I wet a paper towel and carefully cleaned her fresh cuts. She wouldnt look at me as i did so. It was taking everything i have not to go completely insane at the exposure of her blood so close to me, but i couldnt hurt her.

"I'm Harry," I decided to speak to get my mind off the blood, desperately hoping she would answer.

"Elena," she replied as a cleaned up the remainder of the bathroom. I walked back over to her and placed my large hand over her small one.

"Thank you Harry," She says while fiddling with my fingers and looking down. I take my other hand and softly carress her cheek, which is still a little damp from tears.

"Anytime," i answered quietly while sneaking in a kiss to her forehead. I could feel her blood pumping, i could hear her heart beating and I could see the light smile that was creeping along her face. The second my lips connected with her forehead, i felt something i hadn't felt in years... alive. My craving for her is strong, I can't tell if it's blood lust or human feelings, but either way she's special.

While I was stuck in thought, Elena had somehow snuck out of the bathroom.

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