chapter 2

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Elena's POV

As Harry's lips attatched to my forehead i shivered, they were freezing. My whole body instantly soothed at the sudden contact, which I was not expecting. As he gently detachted his lips from me he stared at himself in the mirror intently.

I didnt know what to say or do once he turned back around. Hug him? Thank him again? The goodbye would be too awkward, so i took the thank you i gave him before as good enough and quietly crept out of the bathroom without him noticing. 

As I got outside of the bathroom i pulled down my sleeve to cover the fresh gashes on my arm, but when I looked down, there was nothing there. How could that be possible? Last time i checked before Harry had came bursting into my stall, there were five deep slits in my left wrist. I checked the right just to be possibly sure I didn't get it wrong, and sure enough there was nothing. 

Harry's POV

After a long debate inside my head, i decided to not chase after Elena.I would see her again soon, i would make sure of that. She was probably scared and needs some time, especially when she notices her cuts have dissapeared. 


"i'm Harry," i decided to speak to get my mind off the blood, desperately hoping she would answer.

"Elena," she replied as I cleaned up the remainder of the bathroom. I walked back over to her and placed my large hand over hers. 


When i touched Elena on the hand, i healed her. Thats one of the things i can do as a vampire, heal anyone from any harm or injury, but it didn't heal all of Elena. It healed her cuts, but not her heart, she needed something thats difficult for vampires to provide as easily as humans, she needed love. 

I pushed open the bathroom door after a few more minutes until i couldnt smell Elena's blood near me. I knew if i saw her she would be suspicious of her dissapearing cuts. My mind pondered to what she did when she saw her clean wrists. Did she know it was me? Did it make her want to fill them again? I hope neither.

I wanted her to know that i wanted to help her, i wanted her to know that i healed her, but she can't. I can only think that might spark interest in me from her and thats what i want. She couldnt know it was me. It's selfish of me. She deserves better and more than anything that I can do for her. She deserves someone who can do one act of kindness and not want something for themselves out of it, and that wasn't me. I did want something out of it...her. 

Elena's POV

The rest of the school day went by slowly and was uneventful. All day i couldn't stopped wondering about my arm. Had anything really happened in the bathroom? Had I imagined it all?

My mind kept racing to Harry in every thought. Was he even real? The amount of care he had towards me was unrealistic. No one had ever shown so much interest in helping before, but he, he was different. 

I couldnt help but think... could it have been him that magically healed my cuts? It's an unexplainable question really, but could there be any way possible way it had been him?

Nothing made sense, before he came in i was a mess and I had 5 deep cuts, when he left the cuts were merely scars. How is it possible? Is it even possible at all? All i knew is that I had to find Harry. 

Harry's POV

I hadn't seen Elena for the whole rest of the day since she left the bathroom. Maybe she has gone home? Maybe she was scared of me? Either way i knew i had to find her. 

I walked to the front of the school greatly looking to see her face somewhere in the sworm of people around me. Then, I smelt it, her blood. 

It didn't take me much time to find her after i smelt her blood. I walked up with her hoping that my mind had thought of something to say to her. As she noticed me she began to walk also, meeting me in the middle. 

"Hey," i said softly. Hey? Could I say anything worse.

"You didn't have to do that for me, you know in the bathroom," She spoke not making eye contact, obviously embarrassed. Did she know i had healed her?

" I could have cleaned myself up," She answered the question bobbing arounnd in my head. 

"I'm glad i could help," I said smiling at her unamused face.

"Well really thank you, you don't know how much it means to me," She looked at me straight in the eye, showing me the importance of what she's saying. 

"Like I said, anytime," I cooly replied. She smiled before she turned around to walk away. 

"Why do you do it," I ask before she has the chance to step away.

"Because I can feel it," she begins. "It's the only thing i can feel."

"Did you know that the indian's thought blood held dark spirits, so each month they cut themselves to release the dark?" I questioned. " I like that, I think that's what you do, too. Except you don't have any bad to get rid of, of course. Maybe that's why you can't feel, your getting rid of too much good," i finish my words getting softer as i go on. (A/N AMERICAN HORROR STORY REFRENCE SHOUTOUT TO MY BOY TATE!) 

" I like you Harry," her words lingered off her lips before she turned around again and carried herself away. 

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