End Of An Era

68 8 4

November, 2018


Your phone dinged from the end table beside your chair. You leaned over to pick it up, curious as to who was texting you. But a text had not been the reason your phone made noise, instead it was a YouTube video from one of your favorite channels.

Phil Is Not On Fire 10

With a relieved smile, you clicked the notification. You were happy that your two favorite YouTubers remained, when many others had left the site in steady numbers. It seemed every time you clicked on a new video, it was a vlog explaining that they were leaving YouTube. It had been few and far between at first, but in the last year or so the numbers had been increasing until only a precious few of the older YouTubers were still creating content.

You ignored the thumbnail as the video played. You were so happy that there was a PINOF 10 that you didn't notice the tenseness. Or the fact that they weren't quite as touchy or friendly. The questions were asked almost in malice, but they were trying so hard to hide it. Fortunately, few people noticed the tension until they watched it again with a more critical eye.

After about five minutes, Dan sighed and looked straight into the camera. "We have news."

Phil nodded behind him.

"Every book has a last page, every movie has end credits. Well, this is the end of Dan and Phil. Our era is over."

They both looked sad. "It's been fun," Phil said, "and I'll miss it. A lot. I'll miss every one of you guys so much. So much." He choked up a little. Dan patted his back.

"But it's time for a new chapter."

Dan and Phil looked at each other. "This was the most fun I've ever had."

Much like the first Phil Is Not On Fire, Phil tackled his friend in a hug. Dan hugged back. A jump cut occurred, and the two were right in front of the camera.

"Goodbye, Internet," Dan said and did his little two fingered wave.

"Bye, guys," Phil said, and covered the lens with his hand. The screen turned black, then a photo appeared. The final Phil Is Not On Fire ended with a three minute long montage of photos and clips from videos of the two friends together all the way back from 2009. As the last photo faded in to black, a few words appeared.

"We'll be able to look back and think, Dan and Phil. Yeah, that was a thing."

Tears were spilling over your cheeks. You let your phone slide out of your hand onto the floor as you curled up in a ball and cried. You didn't even notice that your phone was now displaying the thumbnail for the video. It was the thumbnail for Phil Is Not On Fire 1, with the words, The End Of An Era written on it.

London, England, a few days earlier.

Phil lugged his suitcase down the stairs. They had filmed their last video a few days ago, and it was time for him to leave. It had been rough for him and Dan the last few months, and now he knew it was time for him to go. He looked back around the flat one last time. He had already bid Dan goodbye in the office where he was editing their video with tears on his face.

Deep in their hearts neither of them wanted this, but both were too stubborn to admit their wrongs.

So Phil left the flat where they had lived together for years. He left behind memories, the best ones he'd ever had.

He managed not to cry until he was on the plane.



Who cried? I did.

Anyways, welcome to my new fanfiction!

I really need to stop coming up with ideas and turning them into fics, jeez.

Anyways, yes, it is about Dan and Phil. Bite me. I like them and it's much easier to use two YouTubers as your main characters than to make up some original ones. You're also more likely to find a bigger audience.

But this fic is not really an action based one like my other two are. (When YouTubers Come Out To Play and Imaginary Friends), it's more domestic.

Hope you enjoy!

Grace >•<

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