Chapter 4: It's Official

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Lauren somehow convinces me to get out of the stupid stall. She ties my hair in a ponytail for me and we head out of the washroom. I see the empty table where we once sat. My mind races. Where are they? I pay for our meal and then tell Alex and Lauren that I'm going to find them. I know they can't have gone far. They have to go so I head out and call Dom. He comes to meet me but tells me that he can't stay long. We search everywhere for them.

We walk through an alley and then Dom tells me he has to go. I say goodbye to him, turn the corner and find Yousef on the floor. His mouth is bleeding, he has two black eyes and bruises all over his body. I know who did this to him.

I rush over and he gives me a weak smile "Hey Lil. Didn't know you'd find me like this." I smile back. "Can I see your mouth? Oh that sounded weird." He opens his mouth and I see two back teeth missing on his left. I try to soak it up with a tissue and then help him up. He sits against the wall with graffiti on it and we are hidden behind a bush. "Should we get an Uber?" I say.

He nods even though he has a car. I help him up and we walk through the alley, into the street and wait for the car to come. We're both tired at this point so i decide that i want to stay at Yousef's house. We go in and I realise that i dont have my pyjamas. Yousef gives me a t shirt and tracksuit bottoms and goes off to his room to change. I change in the bathroom even though i feel pretty stupid for bothering to go in there and he opens his door.

I smile "Where am i sleeping?"

He gestures towards his bed. "I figured you could sleep in bed with me."

I raise my eyebrows.

He smirks "Thats not what i meant. I just meant sleeping, that's all. I mean unless you wanted to..."

"Yousef. We may be in a relationship but to be honest I'm just going to sleep next to you. Nothing more."

He laughs "You dont want kids?"

I hold in the laugh I've wanted to keep in "I'm not saying i dont I'm just saying not here. Not now OK? So unless you're OK with that I'll go and sleep somewhere else" I'm dying of laughter.

"Fair enough. I couldn't imagine you pregnant."

"Yousef where the heck is this going? No. I couldn't imagine it either. Why? Because im a BAWSE!!!" I go and dive under the soft sheets.

"OK. Conversation closed!" He jumps in bed too and removes his t shirt. " I know you like my muscles so here you go."

"Damn Yousef. I'm not complaining." I put my arm round him.

"Good. Now its your turn to take yours off."

"Well good luck getting that to happen unless i say so." I close my eyes. I peep through my eyelashes and see that he's upset. I feel bad. I open my eyes and kiss him passionately. He kisses back and its perfect. I dont want it to end. He smiles and i say "Goodnight Yousef."

He replies with "Goodnight Lilly."

The Next Day

"Morning sunshine." I can feel Yousef's chest pressed against me as his arms go around my back.

"Oh hi." I smile and kiss him. "I've got to get going soon."

"Why's that?" He frowns

"I left my vlogging camera at mine and today's a work day." I cant help but wish that my love life was private. People talk about all sorts of things. We can't even kiss in public without somebody taking a picture. I get up and promise to text him when i get home. I open the door and as i walk outside i see Swoozie. He stops me and says "Hey Lil! Whats up?"

I sigh and say "Why do you want to know you jerk?"

Swoozie puts his arm around me. "I'm sorry Lilly. But i really..."

I roll my eyes. "You really what?"

"I like you." He tries to kiss me but i pull away from him and shake my head. "Sorry. Im in a relationship."

He hugs me. "Come on. Come to my place for a bit."

I give him a suspicious look. "Wanna collab or something?"

He sighs. "Don't you like me?"

I shake my head and walk away. I call an Uber to my house and walk in and pretend to my vlog that i'd just woke up. I got to work on sending emails. I notice that i had a shoot coming up so i make sure to make a note of it on my phone. I FaceTime Yousef and to my surprise he's still shirtless.

"Yousef! What happened to you wearing clothes??" I laugh and shake my head.

He smiles back and says "Dom invited me, you, Alex and Lauren to go to the club tonight. Are you down?"

I nod "Sure. But i shouldn't." I think of all the work i have.

He laughs. "An hour babe. One hour will not do anything. Please come with us?"

I twirl my hair and somehow find myself saying "OK. Fine. I'll go with you."

He gives me a big smile."Thanks so much babe!"

I sigh" I need to go. I have so much work to do."

He nods." I understand. Call an Uber later and meet us by 10. We'll be waiting so dont be late!"

"I'll try not to be. See ya later boo!"

"Bye, love you" He ends the call and i rush upstairs to get into work mode.

Hours go by and i work hard. I shoot a Super Monday video and edit it, I vlog my day, I send and reply to emails,I write and then i glance at the clock on my phone. 8pm!

 I log off my computer and rush downstairs and search frantically for an outfit. I find a cute red dress and then debate over wearing tights or not. I know I'm just being lazy so i head to the bathroom and do the long, complicated task of shaving my legs. I put on my pants and a top and end my vlog because it's too much hassle to vlog at the club. 

I throw on the dress, grab some heels and even curl my hair. I start on my makeup. Bold, red Bawse lipstick and some winged eyeliner. I take 40 selfies, choose one, filter it and post it on Instagram.  My Uber comes and i jump in at 9:30 hoping for no traffic. I arrive at 10 on the dot and smile at the squad. Its going to be a fun night.

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