part 10

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Lindsey stared at Jade wide eyed in shock
"WHAT YOUR A BLOODY MURDERER" she said her accent becoming all french which happens when she gets all emotional
"Kinda yeah" Jade says inocently
"GET OUT" Lindseys voice booms
"What why?" I ask in shock
"Both of you out I am not having murders in my parents house" Lindsey says and stands to her feet.

We both leave and Jade phones our grandparents to come and pick is up
"Well that was a good way to lose our last friend" I say in fake delight
"No it wasn't, what if she goes to the police" Jade says seriously
"I was being sarcastic dumby" I reply flatly
"We have to stop her from phoning the police" Jade says and stands from the curb she had sat on
"But how Jay" I shrug
"We kill her" She replies with a wicked grin.
"Umm how about we smash the mobile and cut the house phone wire" I reply giving her a glare
"That wont stop her from going to the station stupid" Jade says staring daggers at me.

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