Ch. 14: They Ended Up Kissing

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Damn this is long. Sorry Liam.

Two weeks later, Zayn was completely healed. They were just playing video games at Zayn's house when it happened.

They ended up kissing. Liam didn't understand it, and neither did Zayn in a way. It's like they were both too scared to stop it, because if they stopped it they would have to talk about it. And also because it felt oddly right for both of them.

They were wrestling on the floor when Zayn planted Liam underneath him, his hands pinned above his head. Zayn used to be so light that Liam could easily flip him over, but Liam found he couldn't do that anymore. And he looked more confident. He was smirking and Liam felt like blushing, but he didn't understand why. Liam tried to flip him over but all Zayn did was laugh and let his head fall towards Liam's left ear, and then their faces were really close before Zayn leaned down and kissed him. Liam froze in shock before reciprocating the kiss. He couldn't understand why, but it's like he wanted to. Liam sat up as much as he could with his hands pinned before Zayn let go. Zayn got up really quickly and checked the time on his phone before saying he was late for training.

"I could give you a ride?" Liam offered, trying not to stutter.

"No, it's fine. See you later."

And then he was gone.

Liam was still sitting on the floor at this point, so he slowly got up before brushing himself off. In Zayn's frantic exit he grabbed his school bag and something must have fallen out of it. Liam picked up the stuffed envelope and was about to call down to Zayn if he was still in the house but decided against it when he began to see some of the bolded words that shone through the thin envelope.

He saw his name, curiosity getting the best of him, he opened the envelope. He didn't mean to snoop, he just wanted to understand why Zayn was acting so weird, and maybe why he kissed him.

Dear Liam,

I don't know why I'm writing this; you'll never read this, but my therapist said writing my emotions down might clarify unresolved issues that have been haunting me.

He looked up from the paper, afraid of breaking Zayn's trust. But he couldn't help the gnawing feeling that whatever these letters said would help him to understand what was between them.

"Liam?" A faint voice called from the stairs.

Liam hid the letter behind his back and acted like he was stretching, "Hello Trish. Sorry, I was just leaving."
"It's not a problem," She laughed, "Did Zayn go somewhere?"

"He said he was going to train," I said, looking at her confused face and becoming even more so myself.

"He doesn't have training today, Marshall's on holiday," Her arms crossed in an accusatory manner.

"Then he must've said something else. I should go, I'm helping mum make supper."

Any suggestion of my mother put a smile on her face.

"Okay, say hi to her for me."

"Will do," I said as she let me finally leave, my lips still tingling from when Zayn kiss-

Did it really happen? Never in my life would I have even entertained the possibility, but with Zayn it wasn't that weird...

Why wasn't it that weird?

I climbed into my car and drove until I got to my house. Every stop light along the way seemed to turn green, and I thanked the heavens because that envelope was practically burning a hole in my passenger seat.

I took the stairs two at a time and yelled a quick hello to my mother downstairs. Plopping on my bed, I pulled out the envelope again. I read, and I read. I read until I had never felt more guilty and confused in my life. I read until everything in my world turned different colors.

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