He Realizes He Has Feelings For You

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Edward: You two were at his house working on a project together. Esme was thrilled to meet you and offered you anything to drink or eat. You politely declined.

She smiled and told you to feel free to ask for anything. You smiled and nodded your head. You two were half way through your guys project when your stomach growled. You blushed.

"Sorry" you looked away from him. He smiled at how adorable you were. He shook his head and got up and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Edward" Esme smiled at him. He smiled back "What can I do for you?" He shook his head and went for the fridge and grabbed some lunch meat to make you a sandwich.

"She's beautiful Edward" he looked up from your sandwich and over to the living room where he saw you writing more notes for your project. He smiled and looked back at Esme.

"Yes she is" he finished your sandwich and walked back to where you were. He stopped and just admired you. He loved the way you furrow your brow when your were concentrating. The way you blushed or smiled.

Most of all he just loved you for who you are. You were the most unique human being he had ever met. He smiled and set your sandwich down. You smiled at him and began eating. That's when he realized he absolutely loved you and would do anything for you.

Jacob: Jacob was working on a car when his phone went off. It was a text from you saying if you could come over. He smiled and texted back telling you yes.

He wiped his hands and went back to his house to clean up. No matter if he was busy he always made time for you. You were his best friend and he would do anything for you.

He loved to see you smile and laugh. He enjoyed your company even if you two didn't do anything. He smiled when the time you got excited going down to the beach and just running and jumping around.

He laughed when he saw you get out of your car and run up to him. You smiled and laughed when he caught you. He shook his head but just held on to you. He realized there that he always loved you.

Seth: You were at his house with Leah. You had came over soaked and in tears. Leah right away knew what had happen. So she brought you to her room and cleaned you up.

Seth stood by the door way watching how you break down slowly. Your father just passed away from cancer and you were devastated. You and your father were really close.

Seth hated to see you so heart broken. He always loved to see you smile and laugh, but right now he felt completely hurt to see you hurt. He just wanted you to smile and laugh.

He would do anything to see you laugh and smile and just be happy. He realized from then on he was unconditionally in love with you and would do anything for you.

Paul: You guys were in class working on your guys project which was due by the end of the week. You were explaining to him about the different traditions in many cultures.

He was following along but couldn't help how your eyes shined with so much interest and passion on all the different traditions in many cultures. He smiled every time you would sigh in content after explaining a certain culture that you liked.

He loved to see you smile and happy. Yeah he may be all tough and have anger issues, but he turned into a big softy every time he was with you. Just to see you smile and laugh was enough for him to shut down his ego and turn into this little boy that no one sees, only you can bring that side out of him. And that's what he loved about you. He loved you since the first day you two met.

Emmett: You two were out hunting. You haven't fed in awhile due to being depressed in the life you awoke in. You didn't ask to be a vampire, but here you are, no heart beat, no pulse, no warmth raiding off your skin.

You hated what you have become, and there for made you go into a state of depression. Emmett was worried about you. He never likes to see you upset. Seeing you not smile is enough for him to frown and be in a gloomy mood. He knew you had to feed or you would go crazy and end up doing something you will regret.

So he begged you to go hunting with him. The family smiled encouraging smiles to him. You guys ran for awhile until you smelled a mountain lion. You couldn't hold back anymore and pounced. Emmett watched you feed and softly smiled as you let go of the drained animal. He has never seen anything so beautiful in his life. He vowed to himself that he would make sure you were in this life happy. He knew right then that he loved you.

Jasper: You were in history class. You had your head down, due to lack of sleep the night before. You haven't been feeling to good and thus made you toss and turn all night. Jasper watch you from his desk behind you.

He worried about you, and felt the pain and sickness coming from you. He tried using his power on you, but it seemed nothing work. All he can do was watch you suffer. He got up and walked to the teacher and asked to take you to the nurses office. After waiting the reply and walking to your desk and tapping on your shoulder lightly, he told you he was taking you to the nurses office.

You were about to abject, but saw the concern and worry on his face. you looked down and nodded. After a long journey to the nurse, the nurse informed you need to go home and rest. Jasper not trusting you driving on your own, texted Alice to drive your car home. You two walked to the car and drove to your house. You told Jasper you were fine on your own, but he wanted to make sure for himself. After all, you are his best friend. 

He made you chicken noodle soup, and stuffed your bed with comfy pillows and warm blankets to keep you warm. He realized then that he was in love with you and wanted to make sure you were healthy and happy.

Alec: You two were in the garden laying in the grass under the sun. You were enjoying the warmth coming from the sun. Alec lay next to you enjoying the view he was currently staring at. The way your skin glowed in the sunlight, the way your hair flowed around your head.

He enjoyed staring at you. he would always find himself being drawn towards you. Rather he be in the throne room, or in the library, sitting in by the fireplace reading a book. He always joked how you two remind him of Beauty and the Beast. You being the beauty and him being the beast. He loved how calm and relaxed when you dig your nose in a book. How you got along with almost everyone at the castle.

He can never get tired of you being around, sometimes dancing, or humming while you did cleaning. Sometimes he catch you reading and sweeping, and humming. He would smile and watch before joining you with cleaning and dancing around. You were truly a princess in his eyes. He always knew he loved you, but for now he would enjoy laying beside you in the garden until you run away and him never see you again.

I hope you guys enjoy this preference. I know I take ages to update, but lately I have had writers block. But I'm starting to get back on track and write more, but hope you all enjoy :) love you guys and thanks for the reads and votes and for being patient with me.

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