Ever After - Six

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Aubi and I got home a little later than usual, picking up some BK Lounge on the way home. The BK Lounge is what we call "Burger King". It's an inside joke based off of a comedy sketch from Dane Cook. If you don't know who Dane Cook is, he's a comedian. We started watching him a few years ago and quote him, along with a handful of other comedians, all the time. No one ever really understands our conversations, but maybe that's why we're best friends.

I was a quick eater and it didn't take me long to finish off my burger. I then finished off the last of my fries, then started to sip on my Coke. Aubi stared at me in disbelief, she was still eating her burger. "Dude, how do you do that? Where the fuck does it all go?" She asked, eyes wide. I pat my stomach and leaned against the couch. "Right in here." She rolled her eyes and swallowed her food, wiping her mouth with her napkin. "Eating fast like that isn't good for you, y'know." I shrugged, then flipped on the tv. Immediately, Much Music was on. "Oh, keep it on this is a pretty good show." Aubi said, still eating.

"God, you eat like an orphan." I said rolling my eyes. I hit the couch with the side of my fist, being as over dramatic as I possibly could.

"I do not."





We argued like this for another three mintutes.

"Watch the damn television."

"Fine." She said. I win.

Today on Much Music, they were doing a small interview with a band called "Marianas Trench". They were supposed to perform as well.

"Hey Aubi, wasn't that the band we saw on TV a few nights ago?" I asked.

Aubi nodded. "Yeah, the one with the cute guy I called dibs on."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes I know. Let's watch it, I wanna see what this is about."

The show started, with the crappy theme music and whatnot, then the host appeared.

"Hey guys, today we have a special treat for you. Marianas Trench is in the studio and they're going to perform for us, as well as give us info on their new album."

Everyone cheered, I put my index finger in the air and whirled it around with a straight face, obviously it was sarcastic joy. Aubi laughed, "I love how you're so sarcastic. I've turned you into a monster." I grinned. She did. When I met Aubi my freshman year, I was this sweet, person who was just too nice for her own good. I'm still that way, except I have a sarcastic remark for just about everything.

"Here they are, Marianas Trench!"

I sipped on my Coke and, again, everyone cheered. The band of four walked onto the stage, then sat down on four stools placed there for them. The one with blue and black hair waved to everyone. "Hey guys, I'm Josh." I spit out my Coke, staring at the TV wide-eyed. That voice. That. Voice. Aubi stared at me awkwardly, "You're cleaning that up." She said, pointing to the Coke on the table. "Tha-that's him. That's the asshole that came into Starbucks the last two days. He's a rockstar?!" Aubi's jaw dropped, then she looked at the TV, then back to me. "Dude.." She turned back to the television and the one she had called 'dibs' on introduced himself as Matt. "Oh, so his name's Matt.." Aubi had said, to no one in particular. I was still awestruck that Josh was a rockstar, but it made sense. The attitude  he had said it all.

"So, I hear you guys are working on a new album?" The TV said.

Josh began to talk, "Yeah, it's called Masterpiece Theatre and it should be out in February." More applause. Did these people ever stop clapping? "It's been almost two years since you guys have made an album, correct?" Josh nodded. "Yeah, it has. It was really risky for us, but we're extremely glad that we still have fans. We're extremely hopeful and I think this album will be pretty legit." The host did this awkward laugh of some sort, "That's amazing. Well, I hear you guys have a single out already, care to play it for us?" Josh looked at his band mates, they shrugged in agreement and Josh nodded. "Well alright then. Matt go get the guitars from the back?" Matt left the stage. The other three set up the chairs in a certain order and then, I'm guessing, their crew brough out mic's and whatnot. A part of me was angry, angry because that guy bugged me. To. No. End. Another part wanted to stick around and listen. I listened to the latter one this time and set the remote on the coffee table in front of us. "So, we're watching them perform?" Aubi asked. I nodded, watching the screen intently. Matt came back, handing Josh a guitar and then sat beside him. Matt and Josh sat in the middle, and the other two, who's name's I had not heard, sat on the ends. All four had mic's. Josh leaned forward with the guitar in his hands, "Alright, well this is an acoustic version of our single 'Celebrity Status.' Enjoy." I rolled my eyes, he was so cocky. Josh and Matt then started to play, then after a few seconds, Josh adjusted himself to sing.

 "Ooh, Oh, Oh. I look around, round, look around and look it over. I take it up- up, take it out and, take you nowhere. Trading in who I've been for shiny celebrity skin. I like to push it, and push it until my luck is over. It never stop stops, never stops, well you better think it over prima donna you don't want to sever all the work to impress, charming girls out of their dresses, and smiling pretty, well pretty will swallow you forever."

My eyes widened in distinct disbelief. Josh could sing. I turned to look at Aubi, who was watching the tv with the same shock I had. I turned back to the tv once more.

"Step one, step two, step three repeat and I pray at the church, of asses in the seats, and disappear behind the beat, yeah. When the mirrors and the lights and the smoke clear I'd never guess how we ever could have got here. You can say what you say when the lights go down, so shake, shake, shake, and shut your mouth.Why-hy-hy-hy-hy-"

My jaw instantly dropped. I was speechless. There was nothing I could find wrong with this performance. Well, yet anyways.

 "-I oughta, let you wreck, resurrect whatever you wanted. Can't depend, in the end you know

I thought you were my friend. Just stop, just stop, just stop I think I got it. Sorry you, sorry me, sorry every in between, sorry everybody here will never be somebody clean. There's a piece of me they're throwing back at us, and they will buy you and sell you for celebrity status."

I literally could not believe what I was hearing.

"Step one, step two, step three repeat and I pray at the church, of asses in the seats, and disappear behind, yeah. When the mirrors and the lights and the smoke clear I'd never guess how we ever coulda got here. You can say what you say when the lights go, shake, shake, shake, and shut your mouth."

In the back, Matt and the other three were vocalizing as back up singers for Josh, as well as singing parts while he looked down to play. Matt and Josh switched on and off with vocals. Like Josh, Matt was a talented singer. I found myself wondering if maybe the other two could sing. My question was soon answered when the two on the ends began to vocalize with Matt,

"Look around round, look around round, look around. Look around round, look around round, look around. Look around round, look around round, look around. Look around round, look around round, look around. Look around round, look around round, look around."

At this point, the band began to sing together. Their voices blending well, even for a quartet.

"I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'. I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'. I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'.( Look around round, look around round, look around.) I've been tryin', I've been tryin', ooh oh oh, yeah yeah."

An instruemental break came along and I shut off the television. Aubi pouted, "Hey! I was watching that." I nodded and tossed the remote onto the loveseat ont he other side of us. "I was too. Key word: was." Aubi scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You only turned it off because they were really good." I shrugged, "They were a'ight." Okay, so I lied. They were extremely talented, but I wasn't about to admit that. I was too stubborn and prideful to admit that. Aubi wacked me with the back of her hand, "Yeah right. And stop acting ghetto, that's my job." I laughed lightly at this.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to bed."

"Hand me the remote!"

"Get it yourself, lazy ass." I retorted, walking away.

As soon as I entered my room I flopped onto my bed and groaned. Well, atleast I knew that guy was. Next time he came by Starbucks, I'd get to have some fun.

My Ever After (ON HOLD - EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now