Ever After - Eighteen

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A/N: I'm sooooo sorry! I don't have internet access at the moment, so it's going to be hard for me to update! But this is a filler, I'll update soon okay? Okay.

Josh and I hung out the rest of the day. I sat in his car now with the heater turned up. It had gotten colder as the day went on. I shivered and turned the heat up a little more. Josh took a few glances before turning back to the road. "You cold, Arizona?" He chuckled. I glared playfully at Josh before placing my hands, numb from the cold, in front of the vent. "I've only lived here a few years. I'm not used to this cold." I rubbed my hands together. "And, my name's not Arizona, Ramsay. You know this."

"My name's not Ramsay, you know that." He retorted. A small smile tugged at his lips. "Well, I've been calling you Ramsay since day one. You can't just start calling someone something else like a month later, bro. That is not how it works." Josh rolled his eyes.


I was home a little while later. Josh and I had a few decent conversations. We laughed. We joked. Not once had we gone at eachother's throats. Not once did he make a snide comment. Not once did I make a sarcastic remark. It was odd, but enjoyable.

I layed on the couch. I stared at the cieling. I heard the door click open and I sat up. Aubi was home now. She looked tired. She smiled at me and plopped down onto the couch and tore off her visor and threw it onto the floor. She kicked her feet up. I moved over towards the other side of the couch and she layed her dyed-black head onto my lap. "Well, at least buy me dinner first." I joked. Aubi laughed before heaving out a sigh. "How was your day?" I asked. I was generally curious about her day, I am her best friend, after all. Aubi let out another sigh. "It was long. Class was a disaster, and work was incredibly slow. I got nagged at by some middle aged bitch because I didn't 'swirl the whipped cream in the right direction'." Aubi air quoted the last sentence and through her hands up in a rage. I ran my fingers through her hair. "I mean, is there even a right way to do that? Seriously!" Another heavy sigh. "Okay, that was my rant for the day. How did yours go?" I stopped messing with her hair. I chewed on the inside of my mouth. How did my day go? "Well.." I started. I tried to find the words to explain it. I shut my eyes. "IhungoutwithJoshRamsayalldayandhebroughtmefoodandheshowedmeasonghewasworkingonandIfoundhimincrediblyattractiveandandand--"

"Marcel, BREATHE."

Aubi was sitting up now with her hands on my shoulders. I took a deep breath and released it. I let my shoulders slump and I bent forward. I hid my face within my knees. I looped my arms underneath my legs and laced my fingers together. I let out a loud groan. Aubi rubbed my back. "Okay, repeat that, please." She said, soothingly. I sat up and pressed into the couch. "Okay, so around eleven-ish Josh stopped by and he brought me food and I was texting Sam and..SAM!" I took my phone out quickly to see I had two messages from Sam. He thought I was ignoring him. I put my palm to the top of my forehead and sighed. I should continue with the story anyways. I could always talk to Sam about it tomorrow. "Okay, so then Josh wanted me to come to the studio and I showered and got ready and I came into the living room and he was going through one of our scrapbooks and then we left and then he showed me the song and and and..." I let out a loud groan. "I thought he looked incredibly attractive. I mean, I got a a good look at him, and I don't know today was just amazing and I had so much fun and I think I may be crushing on him, but it's too soon to tell." Aubi stared at me for a moment. For once, I couldn't tell what was going through her mind. "I knew it. I knew you two would end up together. You're going to get married." She said in a monotonous tone. I raised my eyebrow at this. Married? Hell, we aren't even dating and she's thinking about that? "Aubs, I love you, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard you say. Ever." Aubi shrugged. "I dunno, I have an intuition for these things. I'm pro at this stuff." Aubi swung her feet over the side of the couch and started to walk down the hall way. "If you need anything, it waits until noon tomorrow." Aubi was kidding, of course. "All right. Good night."

"G'night. I love you, bitch."

"I love you too, thundercunt." I giggled and kicked my feet up and slid onto my back. I exhaled a sigh before exhaling a sigh. I started to think over my day. When Josh brought me food. When he got a peek into my past. When Josh sang, and it was completely beautiful. It was mesmerizing. And then I stopped, what was I thinking? Josh Ramsay? Really? I mean, yeah, he was good looking but he was also the biggest douch bag to ever walk the planet. I laughed to myself. I kicked my feet onto the side of the couch and stood up. I don't have a crush on Josh Ramsay, that's just ridiculous. Or maybe I do and I'm just trying to convince myself that I don't. In any case, I let those thoughts drift to the back of my mind while I shuffled off to my bedroom, hoping for a good night's rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2012 ⏰

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