Brush Them Off

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When you're angry at a jerk

and you got nothing better to do

Your friends all get together and start asking Who?

It's the monster from your nightmares, the petty one that hurts you, the one that never calls you, the one who's too stupid to say hello

And they'll always be with you

No matter how rich you


Cuz they are your demons,

hidden in your nightmares

full of all your greatest fears

you just gotta brush them off

They're the monsters from your nightmares, the petty ones that hurt you, the ones that never call you, the ones who are too stupid to say hello

You cannot escape them

They are your worst nightmares

They're full of your greatest fears

You've just gotta brush them off

All they do is hurt you and your friends

They just wanna always be the best

That's right, they're jealous

They are...

Your worst nightmares, maybe

Someday you can fight them away.

But now you just gotta brush them off.

You just gotta brush them off.

Brush them off.




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