Part VI

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I sign the last paper.
"And, done!"
I smile brightly at my piles of papers. As I'm filing them in order my phone buzzes. I set down the papers and look check my phone. It's a text from Cream.
'Did you get all your transfer papers for school yet?'
I look over at my papers.
'It took longer than I realized it would take. :/'
'You better turn them in soon! The office closes in about an hour I think! And trust me you don't want to give them the paperwork on the first day of school, they always misplace it with all the other ones.'
I sigh and stand up.
'Okay, I'll head over to the school and give them my paperwork.'
'Want to meet after? I have a tiny errand but I'll meet you there!'
'Could we attend your mother's bakery afterwards?'
'You don't have to sound so formal Amy :3'
I quickly panic.
'Sorry! Just really want another cupcake...'
'Hehe, I'll see you then Amy!'
I set my phone down and look and my papers. 'It's only been two days now and I'm attending a school of my choice... This is super exciting, I can't wait to be able to be around normal boys and girls my age!' I smile at myself and stand up from the table. I grab my phone and place it in my purse, then collect all my papers and hold it close to my chest. 'Hopefully I can find Emerald High... It shouldn't be hard, right?' I walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I look around the hallway. 'Seems pretty empty at a time like this...' As I walk downstairs to the main lobby, a small two tailed fox runs passed me. I jump, surprised. I hold the papers closer to my chest and watch the yellow fox as he runs over to Mrs. Prower. I patiently wait behind him. 'He looks a lot like Mrs. Prower, could it be her child? But she seems rather old to be able to have a child, he seems to be the same age as me... Does he live here as well?' I try to look at his face, but it's covered up by a pair of goggles. I stare at him blankly.
"Excuse me?"
I realize that I was staring at him when he turned to look at me. I blush with embarrassment, bowing my head down.
"Ah! S-sorry! I was dozing off!"
The two failed fox smiles at me.
"Hey, no worries! Sorry, did you want to talk to my grandma?"
"Y-your grandma?"
He lifts up his goggles and place them on his head and reveals a pair of bright blue eyes.
"Yeah, this is my grandmother, my names Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails."
He holds a hand out to shake.
"Nice to meet you Tails... My names Amy
I accept the handshake.
"Is there anything I could help you with though?"
He smiles warmly at me.
"Well, I was wondering if you knew of the school Emerald High?"
His smile turns bigger.
"Yeah, It's right over the bridge to your left, I'm heading there right now."
"W-would you mind if I accompanied you? I'm new to town and still not sure where much is..."
He nods, and his goggles slide back into his eyes. I giggle. He moved the googles behind his ears and chuckles.
"Well, let's get going before everyone gets out for lunch, it would be impossible to walk on the path...Grandma, I'll be back soon."
He looks towards Mrs. Prower, she slowly lifts her head and smiles at Tails.
"You have fun Tails"
She slowly waves and moves back to her computer to work. Tails walks out of the building and I hurry to catch up with him. As we walk, I hear the sound of cars honking and people talking. 'It's always so busy...' I look at Tails. 'He looks to be the same age as me... I wonder why he's going to the school during the summer...'
"So do you attend Emerald High Tails?"
Tails sighs.
"Well, I mostly just attend during the summer, You see my grandmother isn't very well to live in her own. She loves to work in the apartments but can't live by herself. So I basically come back and forth... And since I already have a scholarship to become a mechanical engineer and a scientist. I just go to the lab to work on a few things for my collage application."
I stare at Tails in amazement.
"Wow, that's outstanding..."
He looks at me a chuckles.
"Well, I guess... I'm just trying to help my grandma... That's all."
He looks at my papers.
"Are you planning on attending to the school?"
I smile.
"Yes! I have to get my education up before my senior year ends..."
'Or until Father finds out where I am...'
Tails stops. I almost run into him from the side but catch myself.
"W-what's wrong Tails?"
Tails looks over to a crowd of people at a store window. 'What's happening?' Without speaking, Tails walks up to the crowd. I follow behind him, curious. As I squeeze in the crowd of people, I loose Tails. Before I could call out his name, I hear a voice.
"And now more news about the missing princess of the city of Multiflora!"
I look to the sound of the voice. A black cat stands in front of my eyes behind the television screen. I am standing at a tv store and everybody is watching the news.
"The princess of the Rose Estate has been said to have been missing since September 1st at 3:00 PM, no more information has been announced yet. Stay tuned."
I hear people speaking and I wrinkle the papers that I tightly hold them.
"Where could the Princess have gone to?"
"Why would she leave such a beautiful estate?"
"Do you think she got kidnapped?"
"What if she ran away?"
"She would of been so stubborn if she did run away."
'I can't take anymore of this...' I make my way out of the crowd of people and face Tails.
"Oh Amy, there you are... Sorry, I wanted to know what was going on..."
"It's alright..."
I look away. 'Well... At least no one suspects anything about me...'
"I wonder what happened to the princess."
Tails asks me bluntly. I stare at him holding my breath. 'What should I say to that?'
"Uhm... Maybe she got kidnapped? By, someone who was jealous of her?"
I hold my breath even longer this time, hoping Tails doesn't suspect anything.
"I guess your right, there is that possibility..."
I let go and take a relief sigh.
"Anyways, let's get going."
He nods.

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