Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV

When I moved to Sydney, Australia for my father's new job, I expected it to be much different then back at home. Back in Florida, I was bullied...a lot. I was usually picked on for my physical appearance and my abilities. I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes, I'm around 5'2, I wear big framed glasses and I just got my braces off that previous year before I moved. I'm pretty pale and I don't wear any makeup, unless lip balm counts. I know, I don't sound like a Victoria's Secret model and I don't consider myself one. But, whatever. My looks never really bothered me, they bothered everyone else. So, I get bullied.

But, it doesn't stop there. I am a 97 average student, always straight A's, and when I get older I really want to be a doctor. Pretty cool, right? No. Every day, I was used by girls and boys, who wanted to be my "friend". But all they ever wanted from me was to do their math homework. I never told my parents about this. They would make a huge deal of it. So, I just keep it to myself.

Keeping my problems to myself isn't always the best decision though. I am going to admit, I do self harm and I do have severe depression. I usually do it around my upper thighs and sometimes my wrists. It depends, Florida is pretty hot and my parents would be curious if I wore long sleeves often. So, I usually wear bracelets. It not that I'm even suicidal. I just think I deserve it. It just releases my inner pain I believe. I know what I'm doing to myself isn't healthy, but I just hope one day, it will all get better.

That's what I thought when my dad announced he was moving the family to Australia. I was so excited! Finally, I was leaving those assholes. I was finally going to get a new start! I finally thought everything was going to get better.

The first day, I walked into school. And it was not like anything I ever would of have expected. I was bullied. This time it was even worse. I was bullied for my appearance, abilities, my American accent, my name, everything. These people picked on me every chance they could. And this just made me cut even more than I used to. But I was a target to specifically one person. The most bad guy in school. He had to be at least a foot taller than me, which made him even more scarier, he wore leather jackets, smoked cigarettes in the back of class, and was just mean. This guy picked on me everyday. He always has a new "girlfriend" everyday, which was just him making out with her by my locker, on full display for me to see. He has been my main bully ever since I moved here, a year ago. And his name is Michael. Michael Clifford.

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