Chapter 7

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"Captain, all I'm saying is that we want a night off!" argued Ban.

"So what, we just shouldn't open the bar tonight? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to say!"

Meliodas just glared at the Sins standing in front of him but before he could respond, Ban continued angrily.

"You've been a complete asshole to us since that meeting with the King. When was that again; oh yeah, TWO WEEKS AGO! Are you ever going to tell us what the hell happened?!" Seeing the guarded look on his Captains face, he continued "Let me guess you 'don't want to talk about it' or is it going to be 'nothing really' or maybe you'll change it up with a 'I'll tell you later' this time! We're not stupid! Something obviouslyhappened but don't you DARE try and take it out on us!"

"Fine!" At that, Meliodas threw down the cloth he was holding and stormed out of the bar without looking back.

As Hawk crawled out from his hiding place under a table, the Sins looked at each other in shock. They hadnever seen their Captain act like this.

"Should we go after him?" asked Diane.

"Do you have a death wish?" warned King.

Ban muttered, "maybe it would be easier to just have Gowther read his mind."

"I could," the Goat Sin joined in "he did seem a bit upset. Do you think something is bothering him."

Merlin had been listening and decided to put an end to the conversation. "Gowther, you will do no such thing. Yes, the Captain is upset but let him work through his own problems. As for the rest of you, go enjoy your night off and leave the Captain to himself!"

At the reminder of a night off, they began to discuss their plans. Diane suddenly looked around "Where's Elizabeth?" she wondered out loud.

"She went to get some herbs from the woods" replied Hawk. "She wasn't going far" he added, seeing the look of concern cross her face.

"It's probably a good thing she didn't see that" Diane said as she put a finger to her chin in thought. "Though, maybe the Captain wouldn't have gotten quite so angry if she had been here."

Elizabeth came back not long after; her arms overflowing with herbs. Ban was delighted with the variety she was able to find and they strung most of them up to dry in the kitchen. Afterwards, she looked around for Meliodas and was a bit surprised when she found out that they had the night off. Diane, on the other hand, was very excited and promptly dragged her off for 'girl talk'.


"Has he asked you yet?" questioned the Princess.

"Not yet…what should I do?"

"Diane, it's been two weeks. Sir King's so shy around you that you may have to be the one to ask him!"

"You're right. I should ask him! Are you going with the Captain?"

"He hasn't asked me yet. I always feel as though he's about to say something but then he just walks away! He seems very distracted...perhaps he doesn't want to go with me after all."

"I really don't think that's the case. Maybe you should follow your ownadvice and ask him!"

"Oh Diane, I don't know what to do!" suddenly cried the Princess as she burst into tears. The Serpent Sin quickly looked over at Elizabeth in surprise, "what do you mean?"

"I feel like he's been avoiding me for weeks and waits until I'm asleep before coming to bed. I don't understand why he's acting like this." Diane hugged her friend while she sobbed for a bit on her shoulder.

"I know that he hasn't been himself lately but I'm sure it will pass. You sure do notice when something is bothering him, don't you" she smiled kindly. Or maybe she's the only one heallows to see past the facade she thought. As she turned her attention back to Elizabth, who was sitting there with such a look of misery on her face, she felt a sudden swell of anger at her Captain for putting her friend through all of this. "I can punch him for you…please tell me I can punch him!"

"No," the Princess laughed while tears streamed down her face "but thanks for offering."

"What are friends for" she smiled.

After the sobbing stopped, they sat in thoughtful silence for a bit, with the odd sniffle still coming from Elizabeth.

Diane suddenly gasped and sat up straighter. "You love him! Holy crap, you LOVE him!"

"W-what?!" her friend stammered.

"I was trying to figure out why this was bothering you so much. I mean, it would bother anyone to some degree, but you're devastated by this! I can't believe it took me so long to figure it out" she scolded herself.

Realizing that she hadn't responded, the Sin looked over to find Elizabeth quietly staring at her shoes.

"Well?" Diane asked softly.

The Princess took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Yes, I do" she confirmed, flushing a deep crimson and not meeting her eyes.

Diane grinned, "well, I guess we should probably be getting back!" she announced brightly. "Besides, I have someone to ask to the ball!" Elizabeth looked a bit uncomfortable as she turned towards her, looking as though she wanted to say something. "I won't tell anyone" Diane interrupted, "I promise!"

The Princess smiled in relief and brushed a few half dried tears from her face. "Ok," she agreed "let's go back."


Meliodas finally came back to the tavern long after everyone had gone to sleep. He had briefly considered just spending the night in the forest "but" he grudgingly conceded, "my bed is definitely a lot more comfortable." His mood wasn't any better, but maybe some sleep and the nice view in the morning will do me some good, he thought as he looked over at the sleeping Princess.

After tossing and turning for a bit, he was finally able to fall into a restless sleep.

"So" said the raspy voice "you're back."

This was the second time the voice had invaded his sleep and there was something so infuriating about the distain he could hear dripping from the voice.

"No, I'm pretty sure that you're the one who's back" he grumbled. The voice laughed. It was the same cruel laugh as before and with a shiver, Meliodas suddenly realized why it was so familiar. "What the hell do youwant?" he spat.

"Hell? Hm, how appropriate. Why, I'm just here to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you, father."

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