Chapter 15

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Veronica woke up in very much the same mood as she had fallen asleep. She was angry at the temporary loss of her younger sister but couldn't decide if the underlying reason was jealously or concern. Why does she get to go? the Princess thought miserably as she unconsciously crossed her arms. Getting dressed, she realized that she was in no mood to deal with the smiles and well intentioned inquiries from the rest of the family. Deciding that it would be a much better idea to take her meal in her room, she let the maid know to bring her breakfast upstairs. Not too long after, there was a knock at her door and one of the servants came in with her breakfast.

"Who are you?" Veronica said, looking him over curiously "I don't believe I've seen you around here before."

"My apologies, your Highness. I was recently promoted to the kitchen a week ago and your usual maid had other business to attend to" quietly replied the handsome young man. He was tall and rather well built, with sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"Tell me about yourself" she said, wanting, or rather needing to have a conversation that had nothing to do with either the Sins or the youngest Princess.

"Oh! Your Highness, there really isn't much to tell!"


He smiled as he began to tell her about his parents and growing up in a small, rural village. How he had come to work at the castle and would send most of his pay home to help support the family farm. "And what about you, Princess?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've heard around the castle that you're an accomplished swordswoman and quite a fierce fighter. Is it true that you single handedly bested the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins himself at Byzel and rescued Princess Elizabeth?"

"You may have heard a slightly exaggerated tale" she blushed.

"I highly doubt that, your Highness" he smiled at her. "Though, I was extremelysurprised to hear that Princess Elizabeth had arrived back at the castle…and with the Seven Deadly Sins in tow, no less!"

"Oh, she was back but she's gone again. Off on some stupid quest" she replied, her fragile good mood spoiled.

"I would have thought they would have taken you, your Highness, considering that you're highly skilled and more than capable of holding your own. I mean no disrespect, but Princess Elizabeth seems…well, too soft spoken and fragile for any sort of real quest. It just seems like an odd choice."

"I'm not permitted to have an opinion on the topic" she grumbled peevishly.

"I hope this quest isn't anything too demanding or dangerous. Do you think your sister will be safe?"

"It shouldn't be too bad. They're helping the Kingdom of Camelot with something."

"Camelot! My, that's quite a distance!" he said, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh, it's not that far. They left yesterday afternoon and it should only take them a couple of days to get there."

"I see. Well, I should probably stop interrupting your morning with my rambling and let you enjoy your breakfast. Besides" he grinned, "I have no doubt that the kitchen will start sending out people to look for me soon!" he finished as he began to make his way to the door.

"Wait! You haven't even told me your name"

The man stopped, bowing very low, and smiled. "It's Jirou, your Highness."

Less than ten minutes after he left, another servant came rushing in holding a breakfast tray. "I am so sorry this took so long, Princess" she cried, "somehow every single egg in the kitchen had been crushed…all of them! I've never seen anything like it!" The servant looked down at the table, confused to already see a tray of food sitting there.

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