Drama and Fights

80 5 5

Recap: Oh hell naw

MB's POV: They just got done performing, singing Future...

Prod-Great performance guys!!

Ray-Thank you prod-uh-gee...


Prod-shut the fuck up bro, it's not funny anymore...

Prince-Obviously it is if I was laughing!!!

Roc-Just shut up already, damn!!

Ray-Who pissed in your cereal this morning??

Roc-Do you want to get beat??

Ray-(hush mode)

Prince-What were you thinking about anyways?

Roc-Those girls, they walked in after we were done performing!

Ray-Oh, them bitches

Prod-Ray, shut the fuck up!!

Roc-Anyways, they were with their boyfriends...

Prince-Oh, you like that one girl don't you!!

Ray-You don't even know their names!!

Roc-Yeah, but I yelled at her like five times and I need to apologize to her!!

Prod-I don't know man, those guys looked scary like they would beat your ass if you even breathed the same air as their girls!!

Roc-Exactly, I just need to get her alone..

Prince-Aye bro, go ahead and get some then!!

Roc-No, I just want to talk!!

Ray-(mumbles)Pussy ass bitch

Prod-Man, whatever, I'm going to go and dance and party..

Ray-Me too

Prince-Me three

Roc-I guess I will go!!


Prince-They sure can get it

Prod-I wish I was him

Ray-Me too

(Girls pov)

Naug-I feel good now!!!(twerking and grinding on Corahn)

Dee-I think you've had to many drinks!

Naug-NO, I haven't

Lexxii-If you say so

Dee-I'm going to our V.I.P. booth


(at the V.I.P. booth)

Waiter-What would you like to drink mam?

Dee-Water is fine...

Waiter-Yes mam, be right back.

Dee-(mumbles) sure you will

(15 minutes later)

Waiter-Here's your water mam, would you like anything to eat?


(about 5 minutes later)

Roc-Where did she go? (to himself)



Tay-What's your problem, and I hate you...

Roc-What, why?

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