Chapter 11: The Fairy Of Technology

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Reiko's POV:

I opened my eyes wearily what happened? 

''Oh that's right I let my guard down and the Trix attacked me...but where am I?''

...oh no not this place,


Shinra's POV:

The meeting was as boring as any other I sat in between Chickage and Kyoga all the clans were in the hall as were we, the clan heads and the clan elders, in fact pretty much the entire village was there. I noticed out of the corner of my eyes that Hikobi was leaving the room, the only thing I could think of was that he was getting called to deliver a message for someone more likely Samon than anyone else.

'Speaking of Samon I wonder how my beloved Reiko is, I can't wait to get back to the human world and pull her lovingly into my arms and kiss her. Man I miss her so much' I thought to myself Kyoga looked to me a little and grinned I grinned back to him and answered some of the questions from the Yukibito and Tengu clans. I glanced over to Miyabi he looked super bored, I couldn't blame him it was boring and I was getting really restless about having to leave Reiko for a whole day sure she was a strong fairy and she had Samon with her but still I was having a really bad feeling that I just couldn't shake.

''MASTERS!!'' a sudden scream came from the entry door, we all looked up to see a very tiered and freaked out Hikobi. He ran over to the panel and right up to me, ugh what the heck does he want, I just want this meeting over with why does he have to make it longer. I mean what's more important than just getting this meeting over and done with.

''Master Shinra! Its master Samon.....he.......told me to tell you........the Reiko is.......she's......'' he was saying through big gasps of breath my heart beat sped up when I heard Reiko's name...what did Samon want to tell me about Reiko?! I grabbed Hikobi's collar and stood up getting really angry,

''Tell me Hikobi, what the hell has happened to Reiko! Spit it out NOW!'' I roared in anger, what ever was going on with Reiko he had better tell me or I swear I would rip him open with my katana, the guys panicked as the also stood up looking to Hikobi, Kyoga came over and pulled me away from Hikobi and held me back.

''Shinra calm down Hikobi can't tell us anything if you choke him or if he's dead. Go on Hikobi'' Yukinojo said with worry filling his voice as he looked back to Hikobi. Hikobi's face teared up as he looked straight at me,

''Reiko is gone. She's been kidnapped by the Trix'' my eyes widened and the entire room fell silent, I felt Kyoga's grip on my shoulders disappear as he and the rest of the guys looked both shocked and worried the elders looked to me with concern on their faces. I closed my eyes and took a breath before walking down the panel stairs and heading for the exit at the back of the room I walked past the members of the Oni clan they were all mumbling worriedly. They had all gotten along really well with Reiko so its no wonder that they were worried about her.

''Clan head Shinra?'' I heard a small voice say I looked down to see the Oni girl that Reiko had befriended when I had first brought her here, Alexa I think it was I kneeled down so that I was at her level she walked over to me and hugged me! My eyes widened a little but I think I know why she was doing it, she was scared and worried about her fairy friend. I hugged her back gently to comfort her.

''Clan head Shinra? You will find her right, you will find Reiko and save her? She was the first friend I had made and she helped me become friends with the other kids she's special and I don't wanna loose my friend, please clan head.....please save Reiko!'' she said as she started to cry the other kids had all started crying too. I smiled gently to Alexa and the rest of the kids before standing up,

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