Chapter 21: Saving Reiko...Well Kind Of

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Shinra's POV:

''Shinra you have to calm down. Miyabi will be back from the village soon with his granddad maybe he will be able to shed some light on where your brother has taken Reiko'' Chickage said as he, Yukinojo, Samon, Kyoga and Koten continued to watch me pace back and forth up and down the living room.

''Calm down.... CALM DOWN! CHICKAGE MY WIFE AND UNBORN SON HAS JUST BEEN KIDNAPPED BY MY VENGENCE DRIVEN BROTHER AND YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!!'' I shout as I do there is a rumble of thunder from outside then a bolt of lightning struck making all the lights in the shrine short circuit.

Yukinojo walks over to me as Samon and Kyoga walk out of the room with Koten to go and fix the lights, I felt Yukinojo place a hand on my shoulder I looked over to him and he looked really worried as did Chickage as he also walked over next to me.

''Ugh, sorry Chickage I never meant to snap at you like that I'm just so worried about Reiko and the baby but I shouldn't have taken it out on you'' I sad looking to the ground he smiled and shook his head. I looked up to him,

''Shinra don't apologise I know what you mean we all want to get her back safely and our little nephew too. I swear if anything happens to them we will all help get your brother back without... killing him that is'' Chickage said I smiled to him and nodded he was right I had to just keep calm, wait for Miyabi and his gramps to get here then focus on looking for and rescuing Reiko.

Yukinojo smiled when he seen that I had calmed down, the lights soon came back on as Koten, Kyoga and Samon came back in then soon after that Miyabi came in with his granddad close behind him. I looked to them all and smiled a little to tell them that I was fine now even though they could probably tell that I was far from it,

''Well then its nice to see all you boys together and happy in once place again just like it was before you left school to take on your clan head roles. I must also thank you for looking after Miyabi for me I know he can be quite the handful'' Miyabi's grandpa said as Miyabi started to turn red...not a familiar sight that's for sure.

''G...gramps there is a bigger issue here, I told you about it on the way here and means a lot to Shinra and I hate seeing him this way so please help us!'' Miyabi said bowing to his gramps we all looked to him wide eyed I don't know what shocked me more the fact that he was actually bowing to someone, or the fact that he was sticking up for me openly and not masking it by teasing me.

''Thanks Miyabi'' I said looking to him again this seemed to shock everyone, people know that Oni don't normally thank others or get thanked. Miyabi looked up to me and smiled a little,

''heh well, well I guess you two really are the best of friends deep down huh? Well you don't need to bow to me Miyabi of course I'll help you all I was at your wedding Shinra I can see how much that girl means to you and to you all. I know that she is pregnant so I will help you get her and your son back safely but unfortunately I can only give you information'' he said I smiled to him a little even if it was only info just knowing that he was willing to help us made me happy. I silently thanked both him and Miyabi in my head.

''That will be more than sufficient even the smallest amount of information will hopefully be enough for Shinra to clear his mind and focus his energy on tracking Reiko's aura'' Yukinojo said smiling to me I smiled back he was right I knew that I could track Reiko through her aura but my head has been so clouded with fear and worry for both her and our son that I both forgot and can't trace anything in that state.

''Okay well let me tell you what I saw, I was out for a walk when I thought I saw a guy around about the same height as you Miyabi but a little older than you all with blue hair and what looked like horns like yours Shinra on his head. So I thought he must have been an Oni...'' he started I clenched my fists and looked down,

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