The Heart-Throb

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Chapter 2: The Heart-throb

Clearly in every school there are outcasts. Either the nerds, the geeks, the neeks or the LGBT sometimes.(NO OFFENSE). Then theres the populars, the cool people who every body wants to be because they had sex with a hot person. This includes the jocks, the cheerleaders (cough* sluts), the trouble makers and the class clown in some rare cases. Your stereotypically divided school food chain. Well this school was just the same. The populars did not mix with the odds. Or 'obviously dickless dweebs'. Like in every other school, the outcasts stuck together simply because they had nobody else to stick with. In my case, you got labeled as an odd by the populars. Then everybody you knew acted like you were the scum of the earth, not fit to walk on the same path that they did. There were seven outcasts (including me) and five populars. As far as the legend goes, we did not eat our lunches in the restroom, that was for stoners. Druggies who were just a little bit above us in the food chain.

As an Odd, you are meant to live the rest of your high school years in humiliation. Well if you can get humiliated anyways.

I was first labeled as an Odd in my freshman year. I was new to this town and had my hair dyed black blue. The first week in school went pretty well. I actually had quite a bunch of friends. A month later, I grew tired of my black blue hair and decided to be bold. Why not color it rainbow style? My friends loved it, asking me which stylist had done it and to give them a recommendation. I was very happy. It was like the prime of my high school life, but then it all came crashing down like diarrhea. One day I was walking in the hall with my friends towards our 3rd period, without a care in the world. Me being the loudest, made jokes that everybody laughed to. I had started to walk backwards, waving my hands in an attempt to look like an alien (don't ask me why, I don't remember half the stuff I do). My arms were swinging around and quite a few people almost got hit. My friends loved it. They hollered and roared with laughter. Then abruptly, the laughing stopped. I bewildered, waved my hands around a bit more. My arm collided with someone's nose. A grunt came from behind while gasps came from my friends. I turned around slowly and saw popular #1: Destin Cooke, the heart-throb. I mumbled an apology and turned to move out of his way. His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. Destin roughly pushed me to the nearest wall, pinning me. His nose started bleeding.

“Look at me.” He growled. I moved my eyes from his nose to his eyes.

He scanned me, from head to toe. Destin touched my hair and a look of disgust crossed his features. He looked me in the eye and there was a flash of curiosity that passed by. The blood had now reached his chin. More pressure was added to my wrist. I looked at him, my eyes leaving the crimson liquid. Destin smirked and moved back, releasing my wrist, red with angry marks left behind. I looked at my friends but not one of them looked at me, their eyes set firmly on the ground.

“Your eyes wonder a lot, don't they.” Destin said, waving a hand in my line of sight.

“What more do you want? I already mumbled my apology.” I said angrily.

He looked amused not at all fazed by my retort. “haha, do you really want to know what I want?”


“Don't tempt me Lucky Charms.”

“Is that the best you could come up with Fortune Cookie?”

“Where'd that come from, Skittles?”

“Destin Cooke = Destiny Cookie = Fortune Cookie.” I smiled.

“You're just an attention whore, why else would you dye your hair like a rainbow?”

“Cause I want to fag.”

His eyes darkened.“Take that back.”

“No way in hell”

“I am not a fag.”


“What's your name?”

“Aren't you supposed to introduce yourself before you ask somebody else's name?”

“I would be shocked if you didn't know my name. What's yours.”


“Fine then.” He looked at my friends. “What's her name?”

“Sedona Paralee.” A shy voice came form the front of the group. I was shocked, how could they betray me?

Destin searched for the voice.”Who said that?”

A girl with golden locks and blue eyes stepped forward. No way.

“And you are?”


“Thank you Mindy” Destin flashed her one of his famous smiles. Mindy blushed and muttered a simple “you're welcome”

He looked back at me his smirk growing even more. “Sedona Paralee. You are now, an Odd.”


Sedona's hair --->

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