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Stiles POV

Thursday, September 2

"Oh my god..." I say frightened, I twist my body around and take off in the opposite direction, this can't be happening. I lost my breath from running as hard as I can and my anxiety attack.

Earlier That Day

"Thank you, Have a nice day," I smile at the lady and grab the takeout, "Enjoy your food," She said in a heavy Chinese accent. The bell on the door rings when I open it and I go next door to the flower shop. I skim through the display of flowers trying to pick out what Derek will like the most, most of them are too colorful and happy. I look at the owner of this shop and she is taking out some wilted roses "Excuse me, Could I buy those?" I asked and she chuckled, "I don't see why you would want dead flowers, but here sweetie, it's on the house," She smiled and handed me the bundle of deep red roses, "Thank you," I giggle.

I sit the Chinese take out in the picnic basket that I had in the passenger seat, and the flowers on top of the wine I had snuck out of the house. I drive to the spot I told Derek to meet me at yesterday, I quickly text him "Love you, baby," before I pulled out of the parking lot. Today is our one year anniversary, I had Lydia help plan it. I dressed formal, I have on black, slim fit khaki pants on. I tucked in my white dress shirt, I had Scott tie a bow tie on me before I got the takeout.

I parked in the clear spot of the woods and then I took out the white sheet from the picnic basket, I laid it down and then start putting down the luminary bags with fake candles in them. I have a deep brown wooden tray so I place it in the middle of the blanket and then I start plating the takeout. I take out two wine glasses and pour the wine.

I hear footsteps behind me "Derek?" I call out but I don't see anyone, I shrug it off and get back up. I put the bundle of roses in a vase and put it in the middle of the tray. I sit back in the jeep and take out the CD Derek made for me out of the CD holder strapped to the visor. I turn the volume to a reasonable volume

We'll do it all


on our own

Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol comes on, it's my favorite song. I sit back and relax listening to the lyrics. "Whats all this," Derek asked startling me, "Damn! You scared me," I laughed gripping my chest. I hopped out of the car and intertwine our hands as we kiss. "It's our 1-year anniversary of us dating silly," I don't take it personally because he doesn't remember his own birthday. "Oh, Shit! I'm so sorry," Derek gasped and I chuckled, "It's ok, I got us some Chinese food," I smile and sit down. He sheepishly sits down across from me.

He plays with the food using his fork, "Are you ok?" I asked concerned. "Um... Yeah, I'm just having a bad day, I lost my phone this morning and It's just gone downhill since then," He drinks some of his wine. I sit down my plate and climb on top of him "Well hopefully I could make it better... I think I'm ready to go all the way..." I bite my lip and rest my forehead against his. "St-Stiles..." He stutters as a trail my hand down his chest and down to the crotch of his pants, "You don't want to do this..." He gulps. "Yeah I do... I love you, Derek," I kiss him, I wasn't nervous to say 'I love you' because we had said it before.

I sigh and pull back from kissing him "You're breaking up with me aren't you?" I asked because he wasn't kissing back. "I'm sorry Stiles... I wanted to end it on good terms, I'm not good with relationships. I still want to be friends," he hugs me. "Um... Yeah, I'd like that," A tear escapes my eye and I wipe it away, I don't want to be a crybaby just because he doesn't want to date anymore. "I love you..." He goes to kiss me back but I turn away, "I think you should leave... I've already embarrassed myself enough..." I ask. "I'm sorry..." he whispered and then he stood up, I waited until I heard his car leave and then I dump out the wine from the glasses "Shit!" I said and then I throw the glasses in the forest in anger. I hear them shatter and then I snatch up the sheet and shove it into the picnic basket. I hear a thump and then I look at the ground to see that it's Derek's phone "Ugh..." I sigh trying to calm down... now I'm going to have to take it to him.

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