T h r e e

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Stiles slowly got up disoriented "Where am I?" He asked himself, standing up looking around he realized he's back at the hotel in Neighton. He checks the closet and bathroom to find that he is alone in the room. He runs across the room to open the door to the balcony but it's locked, you need a key to unlock it. Stiles looks out the window to see the parking lot and it's  deserted, the hotel is closing because no one wants to rent a room in a place where someone was raped.

Stiles POV
I peek out of the door leading to the hallway after unlocking the locks. The hallway is empty, I go to run attempting to escape but I stop when I see the elevator doors open. "It's Jordan..." I said to myself, I lock back the door and look around to find a weapon. There's a chair and a vase that I could use, I pick up the chair and hide behind the wall that leads into the main room. I grip the chair tightly giving me more leverage to know Jordan out. I realized that if I just swing the chair at him from this angle I will be blocked by the side of the bed, I place the chair on top of the bed and grip it firmer.

I heard the door being unlocked, I wait for him to walk in some and then I see him. He looked at me surprised before I bashed the chair over his head breaking it. It knocks him out and then I run out of the hotel room and down the stairwell, he wasn't armed so I couldn't take his gun.

When I reach the main lobby I run out to find a guy  at the desk, he was dressed in a usual hotel manager suit. I run up to him "Please help me... I was kidnapped please help me," I whispered, he panics looking around his desk. I recognize him but I know I never met him before, he just looks familiar. "Stiles! Thank god I found you!" Mr. McCall came in the hotel, I look back that the guy and he had stopped looking for the phone. "Thanks..." I look for his name tag be but he didn't have one, that's weird. I run to Mr. McCall thankful for him saving me and he holds me in his arms. "Wait here, I'll go get Parrish," he told me and I nodded, "Oh my god..." I whispered and covered my mouth. "What's wrong?" He panicked rushing back over to me to examine if I had any injuries but I don't let him touch me. He looks at me like I'm insane "I never told you who it was... How did you find out?" I asked and he rummaged his brain for an answer.  I try to remember where I had stabbed my attacker, I kick him on the right thigh and I feel stitches breaking and he screams in pain.
Cops had taken Scott and Derek to the police station and they waited there until the top agents on Stiles case got there. The cops also brought the group of friends to the police station since they are minors and they were in a bar, calling their parents to come pick them up.

Isaacs POV
My leg is shaking, I'm tapping my foot nervously "I know we are all nervous, but could you please stop tapping your foot?" Lydia asked. "I'm sorry... But I'm concerned about Stiles," I say, the cops couldn't find Stiles. They just thought we were lying about him being there, some cops are so bad at their jobs...

"So there is a partner... That makes sense," Jackson said to himself, "Why would that make sense?" Liam asked. "Someone couldn't kidnap and drive to a city an hour away and rap-do stuff to Stiles, drive back to Beacon Hills and lure Sheriff Stilinski, murder him, and then go back to Neighton to be in bed with Stiles to wake up and escape," Jackson explained. I had never thought about it logically, it wouldn't make sense for the kidnapper to do all that stuff, it's to much work.

A door opens and the cop lets Scott out, we all stand-up and he walks over to us "They interrogated me and I told them the truth about me not being or knowing anything about Stiles kidnapper, they let me go because I'm innocent," he told us. "What about Derek?" I asked, "They are still interrogating him, but I know he's innocent," he told us.
"Scott!" Melissa said relieved coming through the Station doors, they hug and then she hugs me. "Where's your dad? Did he interrogate you?" She asked, Scott shook his head and looked around the room "I think he's in the room with Derek," he said.

Secret Admirer - Stisaac -  Three-Shot RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now