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Stiles POV
I fell asleep on the way to the house, Jordan nudged me awake when we arrived. "Ok Sweetie... We are here, I called back up to clear your yard from journalist but there's no guarantee that they can hold them back... Don't listen to what they say," Jordan warned me and I nodded. He got out and walked over to my door to open it. He supported me and we started walking, I try not to put much pressure on my right foot so I don't tear the stitches, the nurses told me it should heal in 10 days if I treat it right.

Halfway to the front door, the reporters realize it's me, their questions jumble up. I hear "Do you know if your father's death is connected to your rapist?", "What happened to you last night?" and bullshit like that. Isaac opens the door and Parrish helps me in, Isaac shuts the door and locks it. "I was so worried about you!" Isaac cried and hugged me Lydia, Allison, Liam, and Kira greets me with a hug after him. "I'm going to go help run these people off your lawn... Isaac offered to stay here with you until we catch your attacker, I'm going to be guarding your house along with a couple other cops 24/7," Jordan informed me. "T-thank you," I thank him and kiss is chin, he smiles at me and then goes out of the door.

I look to see if anyone else is here "Where's Scott and Derek?" I asked broken, I hate being this fucking vulnerable...

"Scott had to help his father move into his apartment... He is the top agent on your case, Scott will be here later sweetie," Lydia explained, I feel bad for Scott. He hates his father, and now he has to be in the same town as him all because of me. "A-and Derek?" I asked rubbing my forearm because I'm a little cold. "You don't really want him here do you..." Isaac asked. "I-I don't know," I start sobbing, Isaac holds me.

"Hey... Why don't we cook you something, You have to be hungry?" Kira asked, "I-I can get it myself," I wipe my tears away. "You need to rest..." Isaac picks me up and brings me to the couch. Isaac fluffs the pillow behind my neck and then goes to the hallway pantry getting out more pillows and blankets.


6 P.M.

I fell asleep on the couch,I had taking naps because I hate feeling so disoriented. I look around to see that I'm alone, I start panicking. "Isaac?!" I call out, I don't know why I'm so afraid, I've been home alone almost all of my life. He runs in from the kitchen "Whats wrong?" he asks, I sit up and he kneels down. "Um... I just had a nightmare," I lied, I don't want him to think I'm afraid of being alone. "Well you're safe now," He smiles and pats my back. "Lydia and them left, they told me to tell you if you need anything just text them," He said and my stomach growled.

Isaac helped me stand up and then supported me to walk, my clothes are damp from sweat, apparently I got hot during my nap. He helps me sit down at the dining table, "I made some soup," He said grabbing Tupperware from the fridge and he put it in the microwave to heat up. Someone knocks on the and it startled me, I look back to see Mr. McCall. Isaac lets him in and I wait for Scott to walk in behind him but he doesn't, it's just Mr. McCall and his partner. "Hey champ... how are you holding up?" Mr. McCall asked, "I'm doing ok... Where's Scott?" I asked. "He had to study for the Science test tomorrow," He sat down in front of me. I can't say I'm not disappointed... I want my best friend.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, ok?" he asked and I nodded shifting my position in the chair to sit on my leg. "Could you tell me what you were doing Thursday night before you were kidnapped?" He opened his notebook, "I was getting ready to have a picnic with my boy... Ex- boyfriend. It was our one-year anniversary," I said. "and what's your Ex's name?" The partner asked, "Derek Hale," I said. "He broke up with you that night?" Mr. McCall asked, "Um... Yeah, It just wasn't working out," I sighed. "Then what happened?" Mr. McCall asked, "Derek left and I was cleaning up, I was sort of angry because I had made a fool out of myself. Derek said he had lost his phone earlier that day, when I picked up the sheet his phone had fallen out of it..." I started thinking about it, It's impossible to lose your phone and it was in your back pocket.

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