Chapter 3

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"You've just created war on the worst possible person you could ever think of and it hasn't even been a week." Aria casually said next to me as we watched 'The Hangover'

Popping in popcorn in my mouth, I shrugged "It'll give me some entertainment."

Aria slowly nodded and went back to the TV. My attention moved away from the movie to my flashing phone next to me.

Picking it up, I checked the text.

 'Come on babe-'


I locked my iPhone only for it to light up with another text from my ex-boyfriend.  Rolling my eyes at his desperate attempts, I flipped the phone over so I wouldn't see the texts.

"Who's that?" Aria asked curiously. Her eyes went to my phone that started to vibrate, meaning he was trying to call me. Sighing, I grabbed my phone and switched it off.

"No one." I said and turned back to the movie.

Aria raised a brow at me but said nothing and went back to the movie.

Half way through the movie, Aria's phone started to ring. She picked it up but I barely paid attention to her as I ate my popcorn.

"Yeah sure, I'll see if she wants to come." Aria turned off the phone and faced me. Feeling her gaze, I tilted my head to the side to look at her.

"The girls wanted to know if you would like to join as at the mall today."

Hmm, continue watching or go check out the mall so you don't ever have to go with them ever again.

I started to get up – might as well get this over with.

Aria grinned and quickly got up to run to her room. I was perfectly fine with what I was wearing, it's not like I cared anyway. I'll just pop a jacket over my tank top and I can't be bothered to change out of my sweats but the stain made me think twice.

Running a hand through my hair I went upstairs and grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw. Tying my hair in a ponytail, I grabbed my wallet and made my way downstairs. Pushing my glasses up, I waited for Aria at the bottom of the stairs.

"Come on Aria!" I shouted. When I heard her footsteps, I slowly made my way out the door and towards the car.

"Sorry." She said breathlessly as she locked the house and jogged towards the drivers' seat. She turned on the engine and started driving.

I paid attention on where to go, so I could go by myself. It's not like I don't like the company, it's just that sometimes I just want to be alone.

Besides, my old friends in New York were huge shoppers. I was basically dragged everywhere and into every store. I'm sure I have enough clothes, shoes and accessories to last me a life time.

Aria parked the car; we got out and walked to the entrance of the mall. Aria texted her friends and we met them by the food court.

"Hey, we just decided to get food before we shop. It will give us enough energy to get through each shop to find the perfect dress for the party this weekend!" Celine giggled. Aria and I sat down, while Bella went to go get the food.

Slumping in my seat with crossed arms, I let Aria and Celine chit chat about the upcoming party which just so happens to be Leon's best friends'.

Yawning, I let my eyes wonder around the place. I made a mental note to visit some of the stores I saw.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone watching me. Sweeping around the room, my eyes fell on familiar copper ones. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, I was about to turn away when I saw Leon leaned in to whisper in a girls ear he was sitting and possibly flirting with.

The girl took a quick peek my way and nodded. She then grinned and said something to Leon which made him smirk. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek which made her blush red. The girl stood up and started to walk away from him.

My guard was up but my eyes never left Leon's.

I knew he was up to something but I'm sure whatever it was I could handle it.

Our stare down was cut off by Bella. She stood right in front of me with a tray full of drinks. "Sorry guys, but the line was long. I could only get the drinks but I hav-" she never got to finish that sentence when she screamed and fell forward. Her hands reached out to grab the table but that caused the drinks to collapse on my chest.

Hissing at the coldness, I quickly stood up which made the drinks drip to the floor. Aria and Celine were grabbing napkins, trying to wipe the drink on me and the table. Bella was trying to help while apologizing but my eyes were only on one person.

The girl returned to her seat and Leon gave her a kiss on the lips as a reward I assumed. I knew she purposely pushed Bella to make the drinks fall on me.

Leon looked back at me and gave me one of his signature smirks. Not even bothering to show any emotion on my face, I stopped the girls from wiping the jacket.

So this is how you're going to play, alright then.

My eyes never left Leon's as I pulled off my jacket.

You wanna play Leon, let's play.

Standing in only my tank top and jeans, I took out my phone and wallet from my jacket and slipped them in my back jean pockets. Leon's eyes trailed my body, making me slightly smirk.

"Be right back." I told the girls and slowly made my way to Leon with the wet jacket in my hand.

He straightened in his seat as I came closer. I broke eye contact with him and turned my gaze on to his girl. Making my way round the table until I was standing right in front of her, I leaned down until I was face to face with her.

My hard hazel eyes met her scared blue ones. She tried leaning back but with my spare hand I put in on the back of her seat and moved closer.

"You couldn't have picked a better place to dump those drinks on me sweetheart. Next time, do it when there aren't any stores to buy new clothes from." Giving her a blank look, I straightened up and threw the wet jacket on her lap. The chick screeched as she quickly stood up to let the jacket fall but the damage was done.

The front of her cream dress was darkened with wet patches. It looked like she peed herself.

My lips curled as I left her and made my way to Leon who watched everything with dark eyes.

Just as I reached him, I let my right hand slowly trailed on his right shoulder up to his neck. Like he did to me in the cafeteria, I stood behind him and I tilted my head to his left side. I allowed my right hand to slowly glide down to his chest as my lips moved to graze his ear.

Leon shivered and awkwardly coughed but I knew it was just to cover up his moan.

I bit his ear lightly, Leon hissed and tensed.

My breath tickled his neck as I whispered, "Nice try, but you're gunna have to do better than that." Chuckling, I retreated back.

Twisting around, I could feel Leon watch as I sauntered away.  

My only thought was that he's making it too easy for me.

Come on Leon, where's the challenge?



i i'm being stalked... *turns around to look at my cat*


-.- Evil kitty....

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