Chapter 26

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“Ok, I give – where are you taking me?” I stopped walking and crossed my arms while staring at Leon with a suspicious look.

Leon laughed at me, “Will you just trust me?” He asked and tugged at my hand. I sighed and begrudgingly let him lead me to wherever. Honestly I should be used to this by now, I mean I have been with Leon officially as a couple for three weeks now.

At first I was annoyed that when we decided to announce we were a couple, Leon acted all possessive with me around guys but then he soon chilled out once everyone knew we were together. From then on, Leon has taken me out places that I will never forget and treated me like a queen. He’s been nothing but sweet and caring to me.

Today after school, he decided to take me to a ‘special’ place and that no one but Ben knew this about him.

We walked until I saw in the distance what looked like a skating park. My brows furrowed when we got closer. Some of the guys turned to us and waved – which I assume to Leon because I don’t know them.

“Hey Leo!” One called out with a smirk. “Gunna show us that trick you couldn’t seem to master.”

Leon flipped him the bird and the guys laughed.

I turned to Leon who had a shy grin on his face as he looked down at me. We stopped just by the edge and Leon waved his free hand towards all the skaters.

“So what do you think?” He asked nervously.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. “You skateboard.” I stated and he nodded.

I gazed around the place as I spoke. “I’m going to tell you honestly,” I felt Leon tense a little. Twisting my head around, I looked him dead in the eye and said, “I did not see this coming.”

Leon relaxed, then shrugged and rubbed the back of his head. “It’s just that skateboarding became sort of a hidden hobby and I’ve kept it that way because c’mon – who expects Leon Stone to skateboard?”

I nodded in agreement. No one would have guessed that Leon, the charming, cocky player – is a skater boy.

I went silent and Leon must have thought it was bad because he asked cautiously, “Penny for your thoughts.”

Taking a deep breath, I waved my hands to my head and answered him, “Still trying to process this.” For some reason I cannot imagine Leon skateboarding. My face scrunched up as I tried harder but then I quickly gave up and decided to ask my boyfriend instead to prove it to me.

Leon was watching me and when I turned to look at him, I nodded my head to the skaters.

“Go on,” I urged and crossed my arms, “Prove it.”

Leon’s eyes sparked with the challenge, he kissed my cheek and then ran off to the group of guys. I couldn’t hear what he said as he talked to them and then pointed to me. The guy nodded and handed Leon the skateboard. That cheeky devil shot me a wink and then did a little run before jumping on the skateboard and headed towards the ramps.

I will admit that Leon got a real hidden talent and he was damn good at it, but as his girlfriend – I will not tell him that.

After a few rounds, Leon came back with a smug grin.

“So, what you think?” he asked breathlessly but his voice still held his excitement.

“Eh.” I shrugged and then casually looked away.

It actually scared me to know that Leon knows me so well. Even now he can tell I was impressed but refused to acknowledge it because of my stubbornness.

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