Chapter 5

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Leon's POV

I walked up to my best friend, Ben. We watched as Jade got in the car with her cousin and drove off.

"You're right, she really is something." Ben said once we couldn't see the car anymore.

"You have no idea." I rubbed the back my neck and started to make our way to my pride and joy.

My Aston Martin DB9.

Given to me as a bribe from my father to make up for all the times he wasn't here. He was spending it with his girlfriend who's half his age.

Another plastic 'mum'

Rolling my eyes, I got in the driver's seat and turned on the engine. I waited for Ben to close the door before I took off.

I drove to my house while continuing our conversation about the new girl who has certainly caught my attention.

"You got to admit, but it was pretty funny when she just left you there standing like an idiot." Ben laughed as he recalled the times she played me. You would think I would learn but there's just something about her that makes me feel...inexperienced.

I don't know how to handle a girl like her. I'm so used to them throwing themselves at me but with Jade, she just so...

I can even find a word to describe her. Though, emotionless did come to mind.

"I bet if she ditches those glasses and maybe improve her wardrobe, she would be hot!" Ben said with a chuckle. I definitely agreed with him, without thinking I recant the memory of her in the library when I took off her glasses.

Damn that girl was a siren!

I was rendered speechless when I saw her without those fat things covering her face.

Those dark, burgundy lips. That jet straight hair. That seductive, come hither body. But those eyes. it was those bright, hazel eyes that stood out.

And the way she looked at me, with a slight tilt of her head as if I was some puzzle she couldn't figure out. She was definitely something to behold.

The lack of emotion and interest just added to her character. It draws guys in like a moth to a flame.

To us guys, that nonchalant attitude means you're playing hard to get. That triggers a challenge in us that we cannot refuse no matter how hard we try.

Right now, Jade has got the whole male population wrapped under her finger and she doesn't even know it. The only reason why I can only get close to her is because I called first dibs. No guy dares try talk to her (other than Ben because he's my friend) because they will have to deal with me.

Once I find my prey, I don't plan to let them go until I catch them.

Jade Cross, you're mine.

A smirk graced my lips as I pulled into the driveway. My house as practically a mansion, my birth mother liked to live a life in complete luxury. After the divorce with my dad, she took nearly half the money and went off to live with her much younger boyfriend.

I think that's the only thing my parents have in common, having much younger partners.

My face scrunched in disgust. Getting out of the car we walked to the house and immediately we went to my room.

I blame my parents for making me develop my player ways. Growing up with no parents but only nannies, I had a hard time trusting people. Ben was the only one that I allowed in but other than that, no one else could even come close.

This is why I play girls and well, who can resist an easy fling.

I fell on my king bed and stared at the ceiling. Ben took a seat by the couch in front of the TV.

Yep, I pretty much have everything in here, from the en suit – down to the mini fridge stacked against the wall. I basically live here most of the time so I might as well make it into a small apartment.

Ben's voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Hey remember this." he threw something that landed next to me. Picking up the scrunched paper, I opened it to reveal the stupid competition the girls created. I laughed so hard when I accidentally found this paper with my name on it in the bin.

It pretty much states that they want a girl to make me fall in love with her and then for them to break my heart. I first found this about a month ago and since then; girls have been trying to get to me.

Now I thought I'd just brush off the girls but then I thought, why not play them a second time?

And so I did.

For the last couple of weeks, I've bedded and dumped girls left and right.

Ben and I would always get a good laugh when I would tell him the many different break ups I'd say to them. Like this one, where I told a girl that I actually had an identical twin and that I'm not really Leon but instead his brother Axel. The stupid Barbie actually bought it and even offered her 'services' to me again because she thought I was the twin.

Can girls get any more stupid?

Chuckling at the memory, I rolled up the paper and threw it back to Ben who ducked as it almost hit his head.

"Watch it!" he exclaimed.

Rolling my eyes, I laid back down.

"Do you think Jade knows about it?" he asked. Placing my hands behind my head, I thought about his question and shrugged.

"I think her cousin may have told her but she doesn't seem like the type to enter." I said finally. I saw Ben nod in the corner of my eye.

"True. She's more concerned about finding ways to get rid of you." we both laughed at how true that was. From the first moment I met her, she's been annoyed by the mere presence of me.

"With or without the competition, I will get Jade in the end."

Ben snorted, "I almost feel sorry for her."

I frowned at him. "Why?" I asked curiously.

Ben looked at me and said, "Because she has you chasing after her, now if she has me..." Ben wiggled his eyebrows and grinned. Reaching behind me, I grabbed a pillow and threw it hard at a laughing Ben.

"Back off bro, you can have her once I'm done with her." I growled, my eyes narrowing at him.

Ben raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, don't get your muscles in a bunch."

Ben turned and switched on the TV. Moments passed when he finally said, "I just think that Jade is cool for a girl. I mean it'd be nice not to always have girls throwing themselves on us."

I sighed, "Yeah...I know what you mean."  Ben and I are always annoyed with all the clingy girls. It would be nice if at least one of them was a normal friend that didn't want one of us.

Ben took a peek at me from the couch, "So does that mean you will leave her alone?"

Sitting up, I leaned on my elbows that were on my knees. I tilted my head up to look at Ben, waiting for my response.

"We'll see."




so yh i thought you guys should have a lil insight into Leon and yh...

p.s my cat will forever be EVILLL!!

there's no changing that cat *shakes head in disappoinment*

P.S - from here on out if you do not like cats or me ranting about my evil cat than please do not read the A/N at the end of every chapter coz it's nothing important....unless you like cats :D) 

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