Chapter Eight

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||~Y/N's Point Of View~||

I was finishing up brushing my teeth when I heard my phone buzz. There was a text from none other than yours truly, or well Fuckboy as my phone read.

'Heard ur going to my game tonight'

I couldn't help but smile to myself.


'You can't get enough of me? ;)'

I roll my eyes, 'Keep dreaming.'


It was fifth period and just as I suspected Leon was swarming with girls by his desk. It was unsettling to say the least.

"I can't wait to see you play tonight!" One girl squeals.

"You're gonna look so hot!" Another gawks.

"Ladies please," Leon smirks.

I roll my eyes as I continue to jot down notes for class. Why were the girls such sluts over him?

Again it made me feel weird. But why did it bother me so much...?


"Y/N! Don't forget about the game later on!" Julie reminds me before I arrive at my door.

"Right," I give a forced smile as I thought about Leon with all those chicks. Was it going to be like that during the game?

I groaned as I drop my backpack on my bedroom floor. I didn't care to pick it back up, honestly.

I changed from my school uniform into a plain tee shirt and some jeans. I tied my hair into a messy ponytail and decided I looked decent enough. It was just a baseball game after all.

Soon enough it was about time to get to the game.

"Hey Julie," I greeted as I stepped into her brother's truck.

"Sup Y/N," Leon winks at me through the driver's mirror.

The nerve of this boy.

I shook my head as I felt my face grow hot. And I noticed him in his uniform. He looked adorable in it too.

'Damn it Y/N' I scolded myself, 'Stop thinking those things!'

As the truck stopped at the field, you could tell it was crowded. The bleachers were packed with people. Were we late or something...?

I shook my head as I got out of the car, feeling a bunch of eyes on me.

"Is it like this all the time?" I whisper to Julie.

She chuckles, "Yep."

"But...why?" I couldn't wrap my head around all of this.

Was a high school baseball game that big of a deal?

"Whelp I'll se you guys after the game," Leon smirks.

"Good luck," I tell him.

"I won't need it!" He calls, making his way to the team.

I look back at Julie who just shrugs. How good was this boy? And his ego was fucking massive.

Julie, Keith and I took a seat on the bleachers next to screaming girls. I should'a known they'd be here.

The game started within a few minutes and people wouldn't stop cheering.

The things they'd say really made me want to punch them in their mouths to shut them up. They couldn't handle themselves!

And then Leon came up to pitch. The crowd went nuts and at first I didn't get it.

Right before I could blink, the ball flew and instantly you heard "Strike one!"

I was confused. That was fast. But it didn't register how fast it really was until he pitched the second time. Again, "Strike!"

My eyes went wide, that boy knew how to throw a ball. He was...good.

"Whoa..." I say.

"I know!" Julie squeals, "He's good right?!"

"Yeah..." I murmur completely awestricken.

I didn't realize he was that good.


By the end of the game, the score was 8-0. You can imagine who won.

Leon had won his first game of the season and it was hectic. Everyone was cheering, including the dreadful fangirls.

How I wanted to shoot them.
But that's besides the point.

Julie and I raced down the bleachers, leaving Keith.

"Congratulations!" Julie hugged her brother.

"No sweat," He smirks.

I roll my eyes. The arrogant bastard.

At least I now knew how good he was though. What all the hype around him was about.

"Do I get a hug too?" Leon pleads.

I cross my arms, "No."

"But I want a hug," He pouts.

I laugh, "But you're all sweaty."

"So?" He raises his eyebrow.

"No thank you," I grin.

Before I can protest, he tackles me in a bear hug squeezing me. I squeal, "Let me gooooo!"

He squeezes me harder, "What if I say no?"

"But I can't breeeeath!!" I whine into his chest.


"Gross you smell like sweat," I remark earning another chuckle from him.


"Let her go," Julie tells her brother.

He sighs, "Fiine. But only because you asked."

He lets me go and I breath big gulps of air. God he smelled gross.

The Boy Next Door {Leon Kuwata x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now