1. I am Human

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Trees loom high over me. As the wind blows through their branches, the trees seem to whisper to each other about the evil walking in their midst. I am human; evil by nature. I was born with a black heart, just like you.
It was only yesterday that I entered these woods. At first, the trees seemed magical and I was struck dumb with wonder. But now, the trees bend as if to pluck me off from the ground and never return me to where I belong. But where do I belong? On the ground? In the trees? In the sky? It might just be that on this journey I will find the something for which my heart yearns for. And yet, that holds a question as well: what does the heart yearn for? I suppose I shall only need to wait and see for these tall trees seem to have something to tell me. I pause in my walking and look up to the bending branches and say just above a whisper, "What is it that you are dying to say, dear trees? You bend over to say something and only whisper amongst yourselves. I am only human, and cannot hear words from unmoving lips. I am only human. Just a human. A human."

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