7. Life

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I am back on the tops of the trees walking the path provided by the naked branches. All around me, a grey sky darkens my soul. Why is it all like this? Why are the trees bare, the sky colorless, the ground as dry as bones?

Suddenly I am yanked from the tops of the trees and plunged into a body of water just outside the hall of trees. I take in huge gulps of water and struggle with the thought of not being able to breathe. Bubbles holding my breath escape my mouth. My chest contracts and I feel suffocated. Then all is dark.

I open my eyes to see the bright blue sky and yellow sun. My body shakes from drowning. Yet I still live. My questions are overruled by the Voice. It speaks softly and gently, yet with authority, "Fill the waters with life; sea creatures of all kinds. Let the air be filled with winged birds."

And as the words enter the atmosphere, I see creatures both big and small swim in the waters. Some leap out of he surface and crash back into the waters with a splash. Birds of all sizes fly around me. Vibrant colors are displayed magnificently in their feathers.A pleasant noise of tweets and caws from the birds, splashes and squeals from the waters below.

"Multiply after your own kind. Fill the waters, fill the air.

All that was spoken, I can see clearly now. This is the end of day five and all becomes dark.

I open my eyes, only to see the grey sky. I am lying face up in a large body of water. I shiver as the frigid Ness of the water seeps into my bones. I feel a sudden surge of anger as I stare at the sky of gloom. Frustrated, I slam my fist into the water and bring myself to an upright position. Tears streaming down my face, I swim to an edge in the water and walk up the riverbank. I stand in the damp dirt clenching and opening my fists. I feel like throwing a temper tantrum and screaming at the sky. But I can't find the words. My throat feels parched and my tongue dry. I can't even remember the last time I had a drink of water. I look at the body of water and shudder with disgust. I think I'll live a while longer.

As I am lost in thought, I do not notice my surroundings grow darker and darker with fog. When I pause in my thoughts, I look around and can barely see two feet in front of me. A dense fog surrounds me like a blanket and I am lost. Soon I am lifted from the ground and feel as light as a feather. I am moved gently and slowly through the thick fog up, up, up. I then find myself floating above the thick fog. I see points of trees poking themselves upward. I am carried beyond the peaks of tall trees to where a dimmed sun shines through the bleak clouds.
There I am set upon a cloud of dark grey. It looks like a pile of dirty snow floating through the air. My heart feels heavy as I look around me at all the gloom displayed in the world. That same question rolls through my head again and again.
How did the world change from bright vibrant colors to the gloom I see today? This question will haunt me, I fear, till the day the answer is revealed to me.

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