9. Day 6.2: Man

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"Let Us make man in Our own image. Let them have dominion over every living thing." The Voice speaks softly and thoughtfully. A moment of silence passes, then a strong wind blew through my whole being as if someone exhaled loudly. I hear a commotion to my right in the lush green bushes. I hear a voice, different, yet similar, from the One I have always heard. I turn to my right and see a tall man of maybe sixteen feet come out from trees taller than he. I shield my eyes from the light emanating off of his body.
Who is this? He- he looks like me!
The man seems almost puzzled as he looks about himself. Magnificent animals and plants surround him and he seems to be struck dumb; at a loss for words.

Suddenly, a bright Light appears beside the man and I must shield my eyes again. But the Light speaks to the man, "Adam, look at everything I have created for you. This is all yours; every tree, every plant, every creature that you see is yours to care for." The man, Adam, is still quiet as he observes in awesome admiration. "Thank you," he finally manages to say. 

I am amazed. His voice is deep and sends tingles up my spine. It almost sounds magical. The Light shifts slightly and Adam looks at it again and smiles brightly and childlike. 

The Light shifts slightly and I hear the Voice sigh satisfactorily. Suddenly everything is illuminated by the Light and it spreads throughout the land like a dense fog. Then it vanishes, leaving a warm sense of home and belonging. It leaves Adam and myself in awestruck wonder.

I have just witnessed the best six days of my whole entire life. I don't know if anything can beat this. Then, just as quickly as the warmth came, it left making way for a frigid chilliness and dark atmosphere. I now find myself in a dark stone cave. A blue fire burns at the center sending chilling shadows instead of warmth. I huddle at the farthest corner of the cave knowing that the frozen fire will kill me from the inside out. A tear rolls down my cheek but vanishes before leaving, chilled by the cold atmosphere. My whole being yearns for the warmth and light just witnessed. Why did it have to end?

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